This time next week, SHOUT will no longer be there, and I am not sure how to feel about it.
Goodbyes have always left a sour taste in my mouth.
Old friend, you will be kept alive in jotted snippets and paper clippings.
On this last issue of SHOUT, all that’s left to say is thank you, and goodbye.
Critical thinking has always been emphasised heavily in education and with good reason.
Created by and for men, football has belatedly (and begrudgingly) opened its arms to welcome women supporters.
As a struggling university student, having to deal with a poor instructor is my worst nightmare.
Boundaries often feel abstract, especially when it comes to platonic relationships.
BEEF explores the lives of two strangers from two different walks of life yet sharing the same plights.
The first film portrayed the antagonists as capitalist, warmongering villains but this movie took it one step beyond.
Blood may be thicker than water but it cannot form lasting attachments by itself.
Nayeem believed that night-time was the only time when the lighthouse was truly beautiful.
Community service would not only be an excellent addition to our education system but it would also benefit local communities in desperate need of help.
It’s now the responsibility of the youth to dig through that history and feel proud.
The concept of popularity seems like an extra ordeal to the chaotic rat race that the last couple of years of secondary schooling is.
Fans will naturally enjoy themselves to the fullest during public screenings, but they must ensure it’s done sensibly.
Of all the countless obstacles between a woman and sports, one is her clothes.
The bus stopped and the doors opened.
From a young age, my mother’s slowly failing health has familiarised me up-close with the morbid tapestry of our medical facilities.