The popular children’s show “Sisimpur” has launched an exciting new initiative for young learners. This time, the programme has introduced a special series featuring 40 of the most well-known and cherished Bangla nursery rhymes. The rhymes are performed by the show’s adored characters—Halum, Tuktuki, Ikri, and Shiku—making the experience both fun and engaging for kids.
The government may temporarily block social media platforms, including Facebook and YouTube in Bangladesh if the companies fail to cooperate in efforts to fight cybercrime and the spread of false information.
The government may temporarily suspend services of social media giants including Facebook and YouTube if they don’t comply with government instructions to prevent the spread of “disinformation
Public engagement does not necessarily equal public interest, and certainly not public benefit.
The final draft of BTRC’s regulations for digital, social media, and OTT platforms allows the government to order individuals to take down content, empowers it to order social media companies to block content, and grants it indemnity for its actions under the law.
Anyone can start their own YouTube channel these days. In this digital age, video content is ubiquitous. Here are five tips for starting a YouTube channel.
Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) claims to have detained a person for allegedly spreading propaganda against the state and the law enforcers on social media platforms.
Facebook announced Friday it will require political ads on its platform to state who is paying for the message and would verify the
The popular children’s show “Sisimpur” has launched an exciting new initiative for young learners. This time, the programme has introduced a special series featuring 40 of the most well-known and cherished Bangla nursery rhymes. The rhymes are performed by the show’s adored characters—Halum, Tuktuki, Ikri, and Shiku—making the experience both fun and engaging for kids.
The government may temporarily block social media platforms, including Facebook and YouTube in Bangladesh if the companies fail to cooperate in efforts to fight cybercrime and the spread of false information.
The government may temporarily suspend services of social media giants including Facebook and YouTube if they don’t comply with government instructions to prevent the spread of “disinformation
Public engagement does not necessarily equal public interest, and certainly not public benefit.
The final draft of BTRC’s regulations for digital, social media, and OTT platforms allows the government to order individuals to take down content, empowers it to order social media companies to block content, and grants it indemnity for its actions under the law.
Anyone can start their own YouTube channel these days. In this digital age, video content is ubiquitous. Here are five tips for starting a YouTube channel.
Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) claims to have detained a person for allegedly spreading propaganda against the state and the law enforcers on social media platforms.
Facebook announced Friday it will require political ads on its platform to state who is paying for the message and would verify the