Sony Pictures Animation and Imageworks have collaborated with the Kevin Love Fund to digitally release an animated short film aimed at promoting mental health awareness. Titled "The Spider Within: A Spider-Verse Story", the short will be released on Sony Pictures Animation’s YouTube channel at 6am PT on March 27.
According to a New York Times article, the creators were planning to include a Lego scene as a tribute to the writer-producers, Phil Lord and Chris Miller, who had previously directed “The Lego Movie”.
Sony Pictures Animation and Imageworks have collaborated with the Kevin Love Fund to digitally release an animated short film aimed at promoting mental health awareness. Titled "The Spider Within: A Spider-Verse Story", the short will be released on Sony Pictures Animation’s YouTube channel at 6am PT on March 27.
According to a New York Times article, the creators were planning to include a Lego scene as a tribute to the writer-producers, Phil Lord and Chris Miller, who had previously directed “The Lego Movie”.