space science

NASA plans to send mini-helicopter to Mars

The US space agency says Friday it plans to launch the first-ever helicopter to Mars in 2020, a miniature, unmanned drone-like chopper that could boost our understanding of the Red Planet.

Tiny asteroid now Earth’s constant companion

The Earth gets a small companion. NASA scientists discover a small asteroid in an orbit around the Sun that keeps it as a constant companion of Earth and it will remain so for centuries to come.

Evidence of ancient tsunamis on Mars

Scientists suggest that at least two huge tsunamis once swept across the Red Planet, triggered by large impacts.

Japan loses track of $273mn black hole satellite

Dozens of space scientists are desperately scouring the skies after losing track of a quarter-of-a-billion-dollar Japanese satellite that was sent to study black holes.

Gravitational waves: Tests begin for future space observatory

The formal test programme has begun on the technologies required to detect gravitational waves in space.

[WATCH] Gravitational waves from black holes detected

For the first time, scientists have detected tiny, rhythmic distortions in space and time- gravitational waves- predicted by Einstein 100 years ago.

Surprising amount of water ice found on Pluto’s surface

A new map of the dwarf planet revealed that water ice is surprisingly abundant on Pluto's surface.

Chinese rover discovers new type of Moon rock

Chinese lunar rover Yutu has discovered new volcanic rocks on Moon unlike those returned by Apollo and Luna missions, offering tantalising clues to the period of lunar volcanism.

Enceladus ocean 'must be global'

Scientists determines that the sub-surface body of water on the Saturnian moon Enceladus must be far more extensive than first thought.

August 30, 2015
August 30, 2015

Ice sheet bigger than Texas, California discovered on Mars

Researchers discover an ice sheet on Mars that looks bigger than Texas and California cities of US.

August 22, 2015
August 22, 2015

Ghostly particles from outer space detected in Antarctica

Buried deep in the Antarctic ice, an observatory has spotted ghostly, nearly massless particles coming from inside the galaxy and points beyond the Milky Way.

August 11, 2015
August 11, 2015

Fading cosmos quantified in 21 colours

A team of astronomers publishes a multi-coloured survey of five chunks of space - and offered the best estimate yet of how fast the Universe is fading.

July 30, 2015
July 30, 2015

Aurora found around brown dwarf beyond our Solar System

An aurora has been spotted outside our Solar System for the first time, scientists report.

July 21, 2015
July 21, 2015

Bid to preserve Armstrong Moon suit

The US National Air and Space Museum turns to crowd funding to conserve the spacesuit Neil Armstrong wore on the Moon.

June 28, 2015
June 28, 2015

SpaceX rocket explodes after launch

A mission by an unmanned SpaceX Falcon-9 rocket ends in failure after it explodes after lift-off from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

May 8, 2015
May 8, 2015

Rogue spacecraft burnt up on re-entry

The Russian space agency says that its out-of-control spacecraft has burnt up as it re-entered the Earth's atmosphere.

April 9, 2015
April 9, 2015

Dust-covered ice glaciers found on Mars

Mars has thousands of glaciers buried beneath its dusty surface, enough frozen water to blanket the planet with a 3.6-foot(1.1- meter) thick layer of ice, scientists say.

March 26, 2015
March 26, 2015

Getting ready for the mission to Hell

Two most audacious space missions- Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus, are currently in development and will venture inside the orbit of Mercury to study the Sun
