St Martin’s Island

Prices of food items come down in St Martin's Island

The prices of food items have dropped in St Martin's Island hours after a tourist ship ferried food and other daily essentials to the island during the early hours of today

St Martin’s Island get food, essentials after 9 days

The tourist ship Baro Awlia left a Teknaf jetty this afternoon ferrying the goods, to ease the ongoing food crisis on the island due to the conflict in Myanmar

Time to rebuild life in St Martin's Island

Relief and rehabilitation are priority in Mocha-hit areas after the worst was averted

Abandoned vessel washes ashore at St Martin’s Island

An abandoned cargo vessel has washed ashore at St Martin’s Island in Teknaf, Cox's Bazar today.

Weather: 3,000 tourists stranded on St Martin’s Island

About 3,000 tourists are stranded on St Martin’s Island in Cox’s Bazar due to bad weather.

June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Prices of food items come down in St Martin's Island

The prices of food items have dropped in St Martin's Island hours after a tourist ship ferried food and other daily essentials to the island during the early hours of today

June 14, 2024
June 14, 2024

St Martin’s Island get food, essentials after 9 days

The tourist ship Baro Awlia left a Teknaf jetty this afternoon ferrying the goods, to ease the ongoing food crisis on the island due to the conflict in Myanmar

May 15, 2023
May 15, 2023

Time to rebuild life in St Martin's Island

Relief and rehabilitation are priority in Mocha-hit areas after the worst was averted

October 24, 2022
October 24, 2022

Abandoned vessel washes ashore at St Martin’s Island

An abandoned cargo vessel has washed ashore at St Martin’s Island in Teknaf, Cox's Bazar today.

March 6, 2019
March 6, 2019

Weather: 3,000 tourists stranded on St Martin’s Island

About 3,000 tourists are stranded on St Martin’s Island in Cox’s Bazar due to bad weather.