United Nations

UN warns of 'unacceptable' level of violence against aid workers

And it warned that the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza is potentially fueling even higher numbers of such deaths this year.

Can nothing stop Netanyahu’s genocidal mission?

Israel must agree to a ceasefire immediately

Reject all forms of violence, UN urges Bangladesh

The UN has called on all parties in Bangladesh to reject all forms of violence and to ensure that human rights and the rule of law are fully respected

Let's fix the UN, before it is too late

The UN system demonstrates serious inadequacies.

Driving sustainable and inclusive growth for everyone

Turning potential into reality calls for decisive policy action to foster an enabling environment and to take the necessary steps forward, underpinned by greater commitment, collaboration, and regional cooperation.

Caught in the politics of aid, Syria is suffering

Death toll in Syria currently stands over 5,800 (as of 3:30 pm Bangladesh time, February 15). With every passing hour, chances of finding survivors are becoming slimmer.

The Dreamer and Doer

One of his finest strengths was his ability to communicate at all levels. He could comfortably address a roomful of diplomats, academics and policymakers, and not miss a beat when speaking to them about his dreams. He could mix with ordinary people from all walks of life, speak in their local dialects, and relate to their problems just as easily.

Why hasn’t the UN recognised the 1971 Bangladesh Genocide yet?

UN recognition of the 1971 East Pakistan genocide is not only important for the global body to regain its credibility and effectiveness, but also to expose a military institution which is seen as of strategic value to the West.

21 lakh people in Bangladesh practise open defecation: BBS

Over 21 lakh people in Bangladesh engage in open defecation in the absence of public toilets, raising the risk of health hazards via the transmission of a wide range of diseases, says a Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics report.

May 5, 2015
May 5, 2015

Central African Republic militias to free child soldiers

UN says armed groups in Central African Republic agrees to release all the children working with them and end child recruitment

May 4, 2015
May 4, 2015

Slave Trade Booms In Dark Triangle

Promising jobs in Malaysia, transnational human traffickers held about 2.5 lakh Bangladeshis captive in Thailand...

April 30, 2015
April 30, 2015

Nepal earthquake: Teenage boy rescued after five days

A teenage boy has been rescued after surviving for five days in the rubble of a building, following an earthquake that killed some 5,500 people in Nepal.

April 25, 2015
April 25, 2015

Yemen crisis: Civilian death toll exceeds 550

The civilian death toll from fighting and airstrikes since the bombing started on March 26 reaches an estimated 551 people,United Nations says.

April 18, 2015
April 18, 2015

Teesta water sharing: Experts for UN intervention

Bangladesh government should appeal to UN to solve Teesta river water sharing issue since there has been no progress in signing the deal bilaterally, water and environmental experts say.

April 7, 2015
April 7, 2015

Bangladesh greets Iran nuclear talks

Bangladesh welcomes the understanding reached between Iran and five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany on key parameters of a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran's nuclear programme.

April 5, 2015
April 5, 2015

UN chief calls for credible city elections

UN secretary general calls upon the authorities in all relevant institutions to ensure that elections to Dhaka and Chittagong city corporations will be transparent, inclusive and credible.

April 2, 2015
April 2, 2015

UN says '25,000 foreign fighters' joined Islamist militants

According to a UN report, more than 25,000 foreign fighters have traveled to join militant groups such as al-Qaeda and Islamic State

March 31, 2015
March 31, 2015

Attacks on journos, intellectuals worry UN

United Nations expresses deep concern over attacks on journalists and intellectuals in Bangladesh in the recent days.

March 28, 2015
March 28, 2015

Iran, powers close in on nuclear deal: officials

Iran and major powers are close to agreement on a 2- or 3-page accord with specific numbers that would form the basis of a long-term settlement aimed at ending a 12-year standoff over Tehran's nuclear ambitions, officials said