United Nations

UN warns of 'unacceptable' level of violence against aid workers

And it warned that the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza is potentially fueling even higher numbers of such deaths this year.

Can nothing stop Netanyahu’s genocidal mission?

Israel must agree to a ceasefire immediately

Reject all forms of violence, UN urges Bangladesh

The UN has called on all parties in Bangladesh to reject all forms of violence and to ensure that human rights and the rule of law are fully respected

Let's fix the UN, before it is too late

The UN system demonstrates serious inadequacies.

Driving sustainable and inclusive growth for everyone

Turning potential into reality calls for decisive policy action to foster an enabling environment and to take the necessary steps forward, underpinned by greater commitment, collaboration, and regional cooperation.

Caught in the politics of aid, Syria is suffering

Death toll in Syria currently stands over 5,800 (as of 3:30 pm Bangladesh time, February 15). With every passing hour, chances of finding survivors are becoming slimmer.

The Dreamer and Doer

One of his finest strengths was his ability to communicate at all levels. He could comfortably address a roomful of diplomats, academics and policymakers, and not miss a beat when speaking to them about his dreams. He could mix with ordinary people from all walks of life, speak in their local dialects, and relate to their problems just as easily.

Why hasn’t the UN recognised the 1971 Bangladesh Genocide yet?

UN recognition of the 1971 East Pakistan genocide is not only important for the global body to regain its credibility and effectiveness, but also to expose a military institution which is seen as of strategic value to the West.

21 lakh people in Bangladesh practise open defecation: BBS

Over 21 lakh people in Bangladesh engage in open defecation in the absence of public toilets, raising the risk of health hazards via the transmission of a wide range of diseases, says a Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics report.

October 27, 2018
October 27, 2018

Genocide against Rohingyas goes on!

United Nations (UN) investigators submitted a 444-page report to the UN Security Council on October 24 about the ongoing genocide in Myanmar against the Rohingyas.

October 6, 2018
October 6, 2018

In a divided UN, China blazes quiet path to power

Criticised by the White House for alleged interference in US politics, China has quietly blazed a path at the United Nations where it is, little by little, becoming one of the most influential members.

October 1, 2018
October 1, 2018

PM in London on way back home

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina arrived in London yesterday on her way back to Dhaka concluding her weeklong visit to the United States to attend the 73rd UN General Assembly session.

September 29, 2018
September 29, 2018

Bangladesh, UN agree to address sexual violence against Rohingyas

The government of Bangladesh and the United Nations will jointly address conflict-related sexual violence committed against members of the Rohingya population forcibly displaced from Myanmar to Bangladesh.

August 29, 2018
August 29, 2018

Australia welcomes UN report on Rohingyas

Welcoming the UN fact-finding mission report on Myanmar, Australia renewes its call for justice for those Rohingyas who have suffered saying that the perpetrators must be held to account.

August 27, 2018
August 27, 2018

UN probe report outlines atrocities of armed forces against Rohingyas

An independent international fact-finding mission on Myanmar formed by the UN Human Rights Council outlines in its report four key common characteristics of the operations of the armed forces of Myanmar in Kachin, Rakhine and Shan States.

August 27, 2018
August 27, 2018


The UN Fact-finding Mission on Myanmar draws up a non-exhaustive list of alleged perpetrators of atrocity crimes against the country’s Rohingya community, indicating priority subjects for investigation and prosecution under international law.

August 26, 2018
August 26, 2018

CPD’s Debapriya appointed to UN body on LDCs

The United Nations appoints Center for Policy Dialogue’s (CPD) Distinguished Fellow Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya in its committee on least developed countries (LDCs).

August 11, 2018
August 11, 2018

China holds million Uighurs in secret camps: UN

A United Nations human rights panel says that it had received many credible reports that 1 million ethnic Uighurs in China are held in what resembles a "massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy."

August 4, 2018
August 4, 2018

UN experts: NKorea hasn't stopped nuke and missile programs

North Korea has not stopped its nuclear and missile programs and is violating UN sanctions including by “a massive increase in illicit ship-to-ship transfers of petroleum products,” UN experts say in a new report.

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