United Nations

UN warns of 'unacceptable' level of violence against aid workers

And it warned that the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza is potentially fueling even higher numbers of such deaths this year.

Can nothing stop Netanyahu’s genocidal mission?

Israel must agree to a ceasefire immediately

Reject all forms of violence, UN urges Bangladesh

The UN has called on all parties in Bangladesh to reject all forms of violence and to ensure that human rights and the rule of law are fully respected

Let's fix the UN, before it is too late

The UN system demonstrates serious inadequacies.

Driving sustainable and inclusive growth for everyone

Turning potential into reality calls for decisive policy action to foster an enabling environment and to take the necessary steps forward, underpinned by greater commitment, collaboration, and regional cooperation.

Caught in the politics of aid, Syria is suffering

Death toll in Syria currently stands over 5,800 (as of 3:30 pm Bangladesh time, February 15). With every passing hour, chances of finding survivors are becoming slimmer.

The Dreamer and Doer

One of his finest strengths was his ability to communicate at all levels. He could comfortably address a roomful of diplomats, academics and policymakers, and not miss a beat when speaking to them about his dreams. He could mix with ordinary people from all walks of life, speak in their local dialects, and relate to their problems just as easily.

Why hasn’t the UN recognised the 1971 Bangladesh Genocide yet?

UN recognition of the 1971 East Pakistan genocide is not only important for the global body to regain its credibility and effectiveness, but also to expose a military institution which is seen as of strategic value to the West.

21 lakh people in Bangladesh practise open defecation: BBS

Over 21 lakh people in Bangladesh engage in open defecation in the absence of public toilets, raising the risk of health hazards via the transmission of a wide range of diseases, says a Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics report.

July 27, 2018
July 27, 2018

UN chief warns staff, member states: We're running out of cash

United Nations Chief Antonio Guterres warns staff that the world body is running out of cash and urged member states to pay what they owe as soon as possible.

July 22, 2018
July 22, 2018

Myanmar violated UN child rights pact in Rohingya crackdown, experts find

Myanmar violated its obligations to the United Nations child rights convention in its crackdown on the Rohingya that led to an exodus of hundreds of thousands of people from the minority community, legal experts find.

June 22, 2018
June 22, 2018

Venezuelan security forces killed hundreds: UN

Venezuelan security forces suspected of killing hundreds of demonstrators and alleged criminals enjoy immunity from prosecution, indicating that the rule of law is "virtually absent" in the country, the United Nations says.

June 12, 2018
June 12, 2018

UN can do verification role in Korea talks if asked: Guterres

The United Nations is prepared to play a verification role if asked following talks in Singapore between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

May 24, 2018
May 24, 2018

Step up monetary support for Rohingya at refugee camps: UN

United Nations Under-Secretary General Dr Natalia Kanem pleads for increased support for the Rohingyas, who are facing a major challenge in the upcoming monsoon season when much of the refugee camps in Bangladesh could be flooded and see landslides.

May 24, 2018
May 24, 2018

Comply with UN body’s request for report on rape of Rohingya women

Myanmar should comply with a United Nations committee’s request for information on the military’s responsibility for widespread rape of Rohingya women and girls in northern Rakhine State, Human Rights Watch and Fortify Rights said today.

May 17, 2018
May 17, 2018

In Bangladesh, some 60 babies a day born in Rohingya camps: UN

Around 60 babies a day are being born in vast refugee camps in Bangladesh, sheltering hundreds of thousands of mainly Rohingya Muslims who have fled Myanmar, the United Nations children's agency UNICEF says.

May 16, 2018
May 16, 2018

US disappointed over reported irregularities in KCC polls

The United States expresses disappointment over reported irregularities and intimidation in Tuesday's Khulna City Corporation elections but congratulated all the parties on making the elections inclusive.

May 9, 2018
May 9, 2018

The battle over terminology: Adaptation vs resilience

In the negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), every word used can be contested between countries (sometimes they even argue for hours about a coma!). Hence every term has to be accepted by consensus by all the countries for it to be adopted in any UNFCCC decision.

May 3, 2018
May 3, 2018

UN chief warns against scrapping Iran nuke deal

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warns against scrapping an international deal on Iran's nuclear programme unless there was a good alternative in place.

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