
Do you too regret your university major?

It is hardly a rare circumstance that only two or three years down the line, we realise that our chosen path is not what we expected it to be.

Sexism in our universities: A sobering reality

Women continue to face biases in education despite increased participation.

Prof. Dr Yusuf Mahbubul Islam joins as VC of Southeast University

Prof. Dr Yusuf Mahbubul Islam joins Southeast University (SEU) as the Vice Chancellor.

A slice of the university pie

The utilitarian value of a university must reflect the institution's inherent value.

Things to keep in mind for your grad school resumé

Regardless of where you choose to apply, here are three key elements that your resume should include

Opinion / There is a reason why daily news has become so depressing

Isn't there any good news? Of course, there is. But good news doesn't make headlines.

NSU ranked in QS Subject 2024 for three subject categories

World University Rankings by Subject 2024 by the prestigious ranking platform QS has been published recently, where North South University (NSU) has been ranked for three Subject categories.

BTEC Award Ceremony 2024 held at Shanto-Mariam Institute of Creative Technology

Shanto-Mariam Institute offers Pearson's Diploma qualification courses in art and design such as Fashion Design, Graphic Design, 3D Design, and Interior Design.

Sexual harassment in universities and the struggle for justice

The recent case of Fairuz Abontika is a painful reminder of how incompetent universities are in dealing with sexual harassment complaints

March 17, 2024
March 17, 2024

Why did Abantika have to take her own life?

We need zero tolerance against sexual violence on campuses

March 7, 2024
March 7, 2024

Making our campuses safe

Universities bear a significant duty to ensure campus safety, with a particular focus on the well-being of women and gender minorities.

February 22, 2024
February 22, 2024

A guide to navigating law exams

For students of law, the stepping stone to academic success is knowing the mistakes to avoid from the get-go.

February 22, 2024
February 22, 2024

The drawbacks of open credit systems

Despite the pros that open credit systems come with, a few fundamental pitfalls can threaten to make your academic life even more of a struggle.

February 15, 2024
February 15, 2024

Pursuing an undergraduate degree in Southeast and East Asian countries

There are an immense number of educational opportunities available within our small part of the world.

February 8, 2024
February 8, 2024

Why isn’t the public university system sympathetic to older students?

Due to certain policies, or the lack thereof, the system has turned out to be discriminatory towards students who might want a second chance at education.

January 18, 2024
January 18, 2024

The pros and cons of the fixed credit system

Let’s look into both the positives and the negatives of fixed credit systems for reference.

January 11, 2024
January 11, 2024

How to make a university list when applying abroad 

ne of the most crucial steps to succeeding in your applications to universities abroad is one that is often overlooked or undermined in its importance: a solid list.

January 4, 2024
January 4, 2024

It is okay to graduate late

When you have spent most of your life and education surrounded by the same people, experiencing everything incrementally together, you are under the illusion that life will follow the same pace even when you are out of school. This idea couldn’t be further from the truth. It becomes very apparent quickly that you are on your own. As the shared path forks into wholly different directions, it becomes easy to constantly compare yourself to peers whom you went to school with.

January 4, 2024
January 4, 2024

What it’s like to enjoy your major

The moment I express my passion for my major, I'm met with raised eyebrows.

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