mass uprising bangladesh

Let’s hold a three-point referendum

Realistically speaking, governing a nation of 170 million people living in densely populated cities without some kind of democracy (representativeness) is an impossible proposition.

Revolution and education: Some thoughts on the ‘political’ in universities

Will all that the revolution called for in spirit prevail in structures?

When will we democratise the political parties of Bangladesh?

The real test lies in the reform strategies that can steer a country toward justice.

August 19, 2024
August 19, 2024

Let’s hold a three-point referendum

Realistically speaking, governing a nation of 170 million people living in densely populated cities without some kind of democracy (representativeness) is an impossible proposition.

August 17, 2024
August 17, 2024

Revolution and education: Some thoughts on the ‘political’ in universities

Will all that the revolution called for in spirit prevail in structures?

August 16, 2024
August 16, 2024

When will we democratise the political parties of Bangladesh?

The real test lies in the reform strategies that can steer a country toward justice.