constitution bangladesh

BOOK REVIEW: NONFICTION / Is the antidote itself a virus?

During the 53 years of Bangladesh’s existence, its people have had to endure and take down two autocratic regimes; not only did they oust an autocrat in July 2024 through a mass uprising, but 1991 also saw the downfall of the autocrat, Hussain Muhammad Ershad, through another rebellion.

The urgent need for an Ombudsman in Bangladesh to enhance transparency and democracy

Bangladesh stands at a critical juncture, grappling with a political crisis that threatens the very foundation of its democracy.

August 15, 2024
August 15, 2024

Is the antidote itself a virus?

During the 53 years of Bangladesh’s existence, its people have had to endure and take down two autocratic regimes; not only did they oust an autocrat in July 2024 through a mass uprising, but 1991 also saw the downfall of the autocrat, Hussain Muhammad Ershad, through another rebellion.

August 14, 2024
August 14, 2024

The urgent need for an Ombudsman in Bangladesh to enhance transparency and democracy

Bangladesh stands at a critical juncture, grappling with a political crisis that threatens the very foundation of its democracy.

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