Tollywood star Allu Arjun has secured regular bail following the “Pushpa 2” stampede tragedy. The incident claimed a woman’s life, while her eight-year-old son has still been receiving treatment at KIMS Hospital. Meanwhile, the Ramgopalpet Police Station in Hyderabad has issued a new directive to the actor, advising him to maintain discretion regarding his visit to the injured child to prevent any disruption to public order.
Tollywood star Allu Arjun has secured regular bail following the “Pushpa 2” stampede tragedy. The incident claimed a woman’s life, while her eight-year-old son has still been receiving treatment at KIMS Hospital. Meanwhile, the Ramgopalpet Police Station in Hyderabad has issued a new directive to the actor, advising him to maintain discretion regarding his visit to the injured child to prevent any disruption to public order.