Puja Chery, who rose to fame with Raihan Rafi’s directorial film “Poramon 2”, has made her web-series debut with his latest project, “Black Money”. Released on Bongo, the series has sparked significant buzz online, particularly because of the actress’ performance.
Puja Cherry plays a glamorous role in the web-series “Black Money”, directed by Raihan Rafi. The show has finished filming and is expected to premiere on Bongo in the new year.
The first look of the series, released earlier this week, introduces lead actors Rubel and Puja Chery in gripping roles, offering a glimpse into the dark world of high-stakes crime. The production house, Bongo, further fueled excitement with a cryptic message, while Raihan Rafi hinted at a major revelation to come.
After a hiatus of about six years, Puja is working with Raihan Rafi again. “I am a bit nervous about what will happen. I previously worked on two hit projects with him, “Poramon-2” and “Dohon”, in the same year. For the first time, I will be starring in a web project directed by him. Also, sharing the screen with Rubel bhai is another reason why I am nervous. I hope it will be well-received by the audience."
The interim government will not leave any scope for generating black money and the Bangladesh Bank is already working to bring money siphoned off abroad back into the country, Finance Adviser Salehuddin Ahmed said yesterday.
After the massive success of “Toofan” in theatres, Raihan Rafi has joined forces with Bongo to create a new web-series titled “Black Money”.
Parliament yesterday approved a provision that will allow black money holders to legalise their undisclosed wealth without any scrutiny by paying a 15 percent tax, disregarding widespread condemnation from various quarters.
Despite widespread condemnation from economists, watchdogs, businesspeople and even multiple lawmakers, the government is expected to retain the amnesty allowing individuals and businesses to whiten black money without scrutiny by paying a 15 percent tax in the upcoming fiscal year.
By re-launching the initiative, the government seeks to increase the flow of money into the economy, although such measures failed to yield any fruitful benefit in the past.
Puja Chery, who rose to fame with Raihan Rafi’s directorial film “Poramon 2”, has made her web-series debut with his latest project, “Black Money”. Released on Bongo, the series has sparked significant buzz online, particularly because of the actress’ performance.
Puja Cherry plays a glamorous role in the web-series “Black Money”, directed by Raihan Rafi. The show has finished filming and is expected to premiere on Bongo in the new year.
The first look of the series, released earlier this week, introduces lead actors Rubel and Puja Chery in gripping roles, offering a glimpse into the dark world of high-stakes crime. The production house, Bongo, further fueled excitement with a cryptic message, while Raihan Rafi hinted at a major revelation to come.
After a hiatus of about six years, Puja is working with Raihan Rafi again. “I am a bit nervous about what will happen. I previously worked on two hit projects with him, “Poramon-2” and “Dohon”, in the same year. For the first time, I will be starring in a web project directed by him. Also, sharing the screen with Rubel bhai is another reason why I am nervous. I hope it will be well-received by the audience."
The interim government will not leave any scope for generating black money and the Bangladesh Bank is already working to bring money siphoned off abroad back into the country, Finance Adviser Salehuddin Ahmed said yesterday.
After the massive success of “Toofan” in theatres, Raihan Rafi has joined forces with Bongo to create a new web-series titled “Black Money”.
Parliament yesterday approved a provision that will allow black money holders to legalise their undisclosed wealth without any scrutiny by paying a 15 percent tax, disregarding widespread condemnation from various quarters.
Despite widespread condemnation from economists, watchdogs, businesspeople and even multiple lawmakers, the government is expected to retain the amnesty allowing individuals and businesses to whiten black money without scrutiny by paying a 15 percent tax in the upcoming fiscal year.
By re-launching the initiative, the government seeks to increase the flow of money into the economy, although such measures failed to yield any fruitful benefit in the past.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today supported the budgetary provision for legalising black money saying that it should be brought to the legal network first