Myanmar Navy

Ghost ship in Myanmar waters was heading to Bangladeshi ship-breaking yard

A stranded vessel empty of crew and goods that was found in Myanmar's waters this week was being towed by a ship with 13 Indonesian nationals for a ship-breaking factory in Bangladesh before it became unmoored, the Myanmar Navy says.

159 Bangladeshis to be repatriated ‘later’

A total of 159 Bangladeshi human trafficking victims, who were rescued by Myanmar’s Navy, cannot be brought back to Bangladesh today.

September 1, 2018
September 1, 2018

Ghost ship in Myanmar waters was heading to Bangladeshi ship-breaking yard

A stranded vessel empty of crew and goods that was found in Myanmar's waters this week was being towed by a ship with 13 Indonesian nationals for a ship-breaking factory in Bangladesh before it became unmoored, the Myanmar Navy says.

August 5, 2015
August 5, 2015

159 Bangladeshis to be repatriated ‘later’

A total of 159 Bangladeshi human trafficking victims, who were rescued by Myanmar’s Navy, cannot be brought back to Bangladesh today.