least liveable city

KNOT SO TRUE / Living with half-truths

The journey of a nation must be a holistic one. We must all collectively remember that promises need to be balanced with pragmatic route maps; plans need to be properly conveyed; regrets need to be coupled with hope.

MACRO MIRROR / Dhaka: A sustainable city?

The annual 'Liveability Index', published by the Economist Intelligence Unit, listed Dhaka as the second least liveable city in the world.

September 9, 2015
September 9, 2015

Living with half-truths

The journey of a nation must be a holistic one. We must all collectively remember that promises need to be balanced with pragmatic route maps; plans need to be properly conveyed; regrets need to be coupled with hope.

September 7, 2015
September 7, 2015

Dhaka: A sustainable city?

The annual 'Liveability Index', published by the Economist Intelligence Unit, listed Dhaka as the second least liveable city in the world.