In Remembrance

In Remembrance

Rahat Khan -- writer, journalist and a friend

Never thought I will have to write an obituary so fast. It was just the other day that I had a long chat with him over the phone.

3y ago

Tagore’s memories with Nagor

From 1891-1901 Tagore was continuously in Bengal. He used to come in Naogaon’s Patisar to observe the estate’s condition till 1937. His grandfather Prince Dwarkanath Tagore bought this estate in 1830. Actually to look after that estate Tagore came to Patisar in 1891.

6y ago

Happy 138th birthday Albert Einstein!

This is the 138th birthday of the great theoretical physicist, father of the general theory of relativity which is considered to be one of the two pillars of modern physics, 1921 Nobel Prize winner in Physics, Albert Einstein.

7y ago

Happy birthday Albert Einstein!

This is the birthday of Albert Einstein, one of the greatest theoretical physicist of all time, the father of the general theory of relativity which is considered to be one of the two pillars of modern physics.

8y ago
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