Sadia Islam Mou will be seen in a special drama celebrating the diamond jubilee (60th anniversary) of Bangladesh Television (BTV). The actress will be seen playing a dual role in the drama titled “Shonar Shinduk.”
Most of the artworks currently adorning the walls of Gallery Chitrak were created between 2016 and 2024. The exhibition features 70 pieces, including acrylic, oil, and watercolour paintings, etchings, drawings, charcoal works, and some of his iconic graphic designs for BTV.
A new drama series titled “Ferari Shukh” has begun airing on Bangladesh Television (BTV) starting September 17. Written and directed by Fazlul Haque Akash and produced by Yasmin Akhtar, the show will be broadcast every Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday at 9:30pm.
Protesting students set the Bangladesh Television Centre at Rampura on fire this afternoon
Renowned dancing duo Shibli Mohammad and Shamim Ara Nipa, celebrated for their countless performances both locally and internationally, are set to surprise fans this Eid. Traditionally known for their lifelong dedication to the art of dances, this lively pair is now stepping onto the stage to mark their musical debut. For the first time, they will lend their voices to a special Eid song.
Bangladesh Television (BTV) has arranged for a line-up of special programs for Eid, similar to other satellite channels in the country. In celebration of the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha, BTV will hence present three exclusive drama serials and a four-episode series.
BTV’s “Anandamela”, famous for bringing together celebrities, has come up with a unique theme for this Eid. This year, Sazu Khadem and Rukaiya Jahan Chamak will host the show as a newlywed couple.
March 7 holds a significant place in the records of Bangladesh's history, marking the day when Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered his iconic speech at the Racecourse ground in 1971 – to ignite the flames of the liberation movement. Recognising the historical importance of this date, BTV has organised special events to honour the legacy of the Father of the Nation.
The filming for the well-known magazine show “Ityadi” from Bangladesh Television (BTV) took place in Moulvibazar. As per an official statement, this year's edition was recorded on a stage surrounded by tea trees, complemented by lush green forests, tea gardens, lakes, and stunning natural landscapes. The episode is scheduled to be aired on both BTV and BTV World on December 29, immediately following the Bangla news at 8 pm. Hanif Sanket is credited with writing, directing, and hosting, while Fagun Audio Vision produced the programme.
Sadia Islam Mou will be seen in a special drama celebrating the diamond jubilee (60th anniversary) of Bangladesh Television (BTV). The actress will be seen playing a dual role in the drama titled “Shonar Shinduk.”
Most of the artworks currently adorning the walls of Gallery Chitrak were created between 2016 and 2024. The exhibition features 70 pieces, including acrylic, oil, and watercolour paintings, etchings, drawings, charcoal works, and some of his iconic graphic designs for BTV.
A new drama series titled “Ferari Shukh” has begun airing on Bangladesh Television (BTV) starting September 17. Written and directed by Fazlul Haque Akash and produced by Yasmin Akhtar, the show will be broadcast every Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday at 9:30pm.
Protesting students set the Bangladesh Television Centre at Rampura on fire this afternoon
Renowned dancing duo Shibli Mohammad and Shamim Ara Nipa, celebrated for their countless performances both locally and internationally, are set to surprise fans this Eid. Traditionally known for their lifelong dedication to the art of dances, this lively pair is now stepping onto the stage to mark their musical debut. For the first time, they will lend their voices to a special Eid song.
Bangladesh Television (BTV) has arranged for a line-up of special programs for Eid, similar to other satellite channels in the country. In celebration of the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha, BTV will hence present three exclusive drama serials and a four-episode series.
BTV’s “Anandamela”, famous for bringing together celebrities, has come up with a unique theme for this Eid. This year, Sazu Khadem and Rukaiya Jahan Chamak will host the show as a newlywed couple.
March 7 holds a significant place in the records of Bangladesh's history, marking the day when Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered his iconic speech at the Racecourse ground in 1971 – to ignite the flames of the liberation movement. Recognising the historical importance of this date, BTV has organised special events to honour the legacy of the Father of the Nation.
The filming for the well-known magazine show “Ityadi” from Bangladesh Television (BTV) took place in Moulvibazar. As per an official statement, this year's edition was recorded on a stage surrounded by tea trees, complemented by lush green forests, tea gardens, lakes, and stunning natural landscapes. The episode is scheduled to be aired on both BTV and BTV World on December 29, immediately following the Bangla news at 8 pm. Hanif Sanket is credited with writing, directing, and hosting, while Fagun Audio Vision produced the programme.
Today on Victory Day, marking the country's 53rd year of independence, both state-owned and private television channels will air special programmes underscoring the importance of the Liberation War and the subsequent independence of the country.