outdoor activities

Budget-friendly escapes near Sangsad Bhaban

If you are a resident of Dhaka, it is unlikely that you haven’t heard of Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban. But did you know the area surrounding the Sangsad Bhaban is a thriving recreational hub for all walks of life?

Unexpected life lessons you can learn from wilderness survival

If you are the average Dhakaite, there is a very high chance that you have swam in a swimming pool on numerous occasions, but never in a pond or any other naturally occurring waterbody. You also probably do not know how to start a fire without a matchstick or tell the direction without a compass!

5 health benefits of outdoor activities 

We explore some of the best health benefits nature and the great outdoors provide.

September 25, 2024
September 25, 2024

Budget-friendly escapes near Sangsad Bhaban

If you are a resident of Dhaka, it is unlikely that you haven’t heard of Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban. But did you know the area surrounding the Sangsad Bhaban is a thriving recreational hub for all walks of life?

January 15, 2024
January 15, 2024

Unexpected life lessons you can learn from wilderness survival

If you are the average Dhakaite, there is a very high chance that you have swam in a swimming pool on numerous occasions, but never in a pond or any other naturally occurring waterbody. You also probably do not know how to start a fire without a matchstick or tell the direction without a compass!

July 17, 2023
July 17, 2023

5 health benefits of outdoor activities 

We explore some of the best health benefits nature and the great outdoors provide.