Editor's Note

Nothing like being too careful

Fire hazards have been common instances lately. With the ever-increasing number of AC explosions and similar accidents, it certainly pays to be careful. As such, this week's Cover Story is all about being safe from fire hazards, and how you can stay one ahead of such unfortunate occurrences. 

On other pages, we look into some new smartphones that were featured in the latest MWC Barcelona event, discuss the implications of the 30 km/h speed limit rule for motorcycles and, like always, talk about AI and how you can take advantage of it. 

With that, another week wraps up. Stay safe everyone. Until then.



Editor's Note

Nothing like being too careful

Fire hazards have been common instances lately. With the ever-increasing number of AC explosions and similar accidents, it certainly pays to be careful. As such, this week's Cover Story is all about being safe from fire hazards, and how you can stay one ahead of such unfortunate occurrences. 

On other pages, we look into some new smartphones that were featured in the latest MWC Barcelona event, discuss the implications of the 30 km/h speed limit rule for motorcycles and, like always, talk about AI and how you can take advantage of it. 

With that, another week wraps up. Stay safe everyone. Until then.



নাব্যতা-সংকটে নৌ মানচিত্র থেকে বিলীন হওয়ার পথে বাঘাবাড়ী বন্দর

আশির দশকে সিরাজগঞ্জের শাহজাদপুর উপজেলায় নির্মিত হয় নদীবন্দরটি। প্রথম কয়েক দশক সার, তেল, কয়লাসহ বিভিন্ন পণ্য বোঝাই কার্গো জাহাজের ভিড়ে সরগরম থাকত এই বন্দর।

৮ মিনিট আগে