Only ‘90s kids would remember

This issue is all about living the '90s dream. I mean, we feature a tribute to Grand Theft Auto in the centrefold. Need we say more? But if you're not a '90s kid, and erm, just a kid, fret not. How about you go back to your computers and find out how GTA used to be back in the day? As for the rest, we are excited about all the new DC movies and games coming out next year, so we list down a few here on this page. Keep reading to find out what else we have in store for you this week. Have a great weekend!



Only ‘90s kids would remember

This issue is all about living the '90s dream. I mean, we feature a tribute to Grand Theft Auto in the centrefold. Need we say more? But if you're not a '90s kid, and erm, just a kid, fret not. How about you go back to your computers and find out how GTA used to be back in the day? As for the rest, we are excited about all the new DC movies and games coming out next year, so we list down a few here on this page. Keep reading to find out what else we have in store for you this week. Have a great weekend!



যুবকদের দক্ষ করতে ফলমুখী সমবায়ী শিক্ষার ওপর গুরুত্বারোপ প্রধান উপদেষ্টার

‘ব্যবসাকে শুধু সম্পদ গড়ে তোলার মাধ্যম হিসেবে না দেখে এটি যেন মানুষের জীবনে ইতিবাচক প্রভাব ফেলে, সেভাবে রূপান্তরিত করতে হবে। তারা একটি নতুন সভ্যতা গড়ে তুলতে সামাজিক ব্যবসায় সম্পৃক্ত হবেন।’

৩৫ মিনিট আগে