Filth on the roads

I was really embarrassed to read my uncle's post on social media, where he wrote that his trip to Bangladesh was a great one but he didn't like the state of the drainage system and the roads of some cities. It made me feel bad thinking of the impression a foreigner must have about my country.
We can't always blame the authorities because it is our lack of consciousness which also causes pollution. We don't think twice before throwing a wrapper into an open drain. In Dinajpur, there are places where people have left their houses due to the failed drainage system. Dirty water and filth come out of those drains and flow into the roads. As a result, the roads are damaged and unusable. The auto-rickshaw drivers also don't want to cross those roads. Therefore, better disposal systems should be put into place, and we should also be careful about what to dispose of and where—or else we will cause others to always get a bad impression about our beautiful country.