South Asia

India police use slingshots to quell protests

Police in India's northern Haryana state will soon begin using slingshots to control violent protesters. Photo: BBC

Police in India's northern Haryana state will soon begin using slingshots to control violent protesters.

Policemen are being trained to use the "specially-designed" weapons.

Abhishek Jorwal, chief of police in Haryana's Jind district, told the BBC that "these slingshots were made after a lot of research and development".

He said the slingshots would be used in addition to the batons, tear gas and other weapons that the police use to control protesters.

Jorwal said the "idea is to avoid the use of lethal weapons against the protesters".

"Officers have been instructed to use slingshots and tear gas shells, and keep guns and bullets as the last option."

'Chilli bags'

Marbles and chilli balls, packed in small bags carried by the policemen, will be used as ammunition for the slingshots.

"Marbles and chilli balls won't cause any permanent damage but will pack enough punch to push protesters back," he said.

Handmade weapons, such as slingshots, are rarely used as a weapon by security forces in India.




India police use slingshots to quell protests

Police in India's northern Haryana state will soon begin using slingshots to control violent protesters. Photo: BBC

Police in India's northern Haryana state will soon begin using slingshots to control violent protesters.

Policemen are being trained to use the "specially-designed" weapons.

Abhishek Jorwal, chief of police in Haryana's Jind district, told the BBC that "these slingshots were made after a lot of research and development".

He said the slingshots would be used in addition to the batons, tear gas and other weapons that the police use to control protesters.

Jorwal said the "idea is to avoid the use of lethal weapons against the protesters".

"Officers have been instructed to use slingshots and tear gas shells, and keep guns and bullets as the last option."

'Chilli bags'

Marbles and chilli balls, packed in small bags carried by the policemen, will be used as ammunition for the slingshots.

"Marbles and chilli balls won't cause any permanent damage but will pack enough punch to push protesters back," he said.

Handmade weapons, such as slingshots, are rarely used as a weapon by security forces in India.




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