More than two-thirds of companies that got listed on the stock market in the last 14 years were subsequently downgraded to lower categories, with many turning into junk stocks soon after listing.
A government-formed taskforce for capital market reforms has proposed a host of amendments to margin loan rules, including new eligibility criteria.
All closed-end mutual funds must be redeemed on reaching maturity and no tenure extension will be allowed, recommended a government-formed taskforce.
Major listed construction-related firms witnessed a massive year-on-year drop in profits during the October-December period of the current fiscal year of 2024-25.
Ha-Meem Group has installed a second rooftop solar power plant capable of producing 4.4-megawatt peak (MWp) of electricity, raising its total renewable power generating capacity to 12.2MWp.
Social safety net programmes, such as Open Market Sales (OMS) and Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF), provided less help to the actual poor, despite the government boasting about the impact of those schemes on reducing moderate and extreme poverty, according to a taskforce report.
The initially estimated costs of these projects were $11.2 billion in total
Finance adviser talks about govt’s 3 strategies to ease economic strain
All closed-end mutual funds must be redeemed on reaching maturity and no tenure extension will be allowed, recommended a government-formed taskforce.
A government-formed taskforce for capital market reforms has proposed a host of amendments to margin loan rules, including new eligibility criteria.
More than two-thirds of companies that got listed on the stock market in the last 14 years were subsequently downgraded to lower categories, with many turning into junk stocks soon after listing.
Major listed construction-related firms witnessed a massive year-on-year drop in profits during the October-December period of the current fiscal year of 2024-25.
Ha-Meem Group has installed a second rooftop solar power plant capable of producing 4.4-megawatt peak (MWp) of electricity, raising its total renewable power generating capacity to 12.2MWp.
Social safety net programmes, such as Open Market Sales (OMS) and Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF), provided less help to the actual poor, despite the government boasting about the impact of those schemes on reducing moderate and extreme poverty, according to a taskforce report.
The initially estimated costs of these projects were $11.2 billion in total
Finance adviser talks about govt’s 3 strategies to ease economic strain
Hundreds of small stock market investors are suffering for being unable to get back their money, which was embezzled by a brokerage house months back.
Over half of the government’s total revenue expenditure during the first four months of the current fiscal year of 2024–25 was on interest payments alone, mainly due to increased borrowing and a rise in the interest rates.