I first joined The Star magazine in February 2010, with no experience in journalism and a degree in Psychology under my belt.
Ever get that annoying feeling something is stuck in your eye and no matter how much you try, you can't get rid of it?
On May 4, 2015, a student from the first grade of the Mohammadpur Preparatory School was sexually assaulted by a school employee.
An average day at the General Post Office (GPO) in Gulistan starts as early as 7:30 in the morning.
Over what seems like a short period of time, technology has suddenly become the primary tool that aids our social interaction.
One of the most severe health injuries caused by over exposure to heat is known as a heat stroke. This is usually a result of
Ayem Janata, long time resident of Chaotica, capital of Wackoland, has woken up at the crack of dawn, feeling quite nervous.
On April 25, 2015, an earthquake that measured 7.8 on the Richter Scale devastated the entire country of Nepal. Deadly avalanches were triggered around Mt Everest and countless homes and heritage sites all over the country now lie in heaps of rubble.
On April 25, 2015 a healthcare awareness programme was organised by the Dhaka Club, where two renowned doctors from Malaysia, cardiologist Dr Balachandan Kandasamy and orthopaedic and spine surgeon Dr Abdul Hadi Husin were invited to speak about their areas of expertise and the facilities available at their respective institutions to treat these illnesses.
A large signboard hung outside a small pharmacy located inside the Mohammadpur Geneva Camp says, “Doctor Available for Consultation,” but in the 12 years since this pharmacy was established, not once has a doctor stepped into its premises.
Article 17 of the Constitution names education as a civil right. It states, "Free and compulsory education: The state shall adopt effective measures for establishing a uniform mass-oriented and universal system of education and extending free and compulsory education to all children to such stage as may be determined by law…”
We often neglect to drink as much water as our bodies require. During the summer months especially, this can lead to de-hydration, if our water intake is less than water loss. The young and the elderly are more susceptible to this condition.
A glimpse into the lives of people stranded in the Geneva Camps has shown us the deplorable state in which they have been living for 43 years.
Despite the progressive rise in our literacy rate, and increased globalisation designed to promote modernisation and forward thinking, many of our countrymen simply refuse to come out of their caves.
It has been 44 years since we achieved our hard won independence and the meaning of this word “independence,” has changed for us over the past decades.
If you take a walk in the streets of Shahbagh on a weekday afternoon, you will come across a sight that warms your heart.
8ft by 8ft- the size of an average bathroom in most of our homes—that is how much space each family living inside the Geneva Camps (Bihari Camps) all over the country is allotted.
When one walks into the Bihari Camp in Mohammadpur, locally referred to as the “Market Camp,” it is as though one has left the city and entered a different world- the world of the condemned.