Anisha Hassan

Eid prep: Ramadan house cleaning

As Ramadan comes to an end and we eagerly await Eid, our homes obviously deserve some attention.

2y ago

Grooming ahead of Eid: Things you should keep in mind

Eid is almost here, it is time we consider personal grooming too, to look and feel our best on the big day.

2y ago

Tips for hosting a grand iftar party

A few days into Ramadan and most of us start looking for the perfect time to throw a bigger and better Iftar party than last year.

2y ago

Weekly Ramadan planner to make your life easier

The few days before Ramadan can sometimes be more hectic than the first day of Ramadan itself with so much to prepare for in such little time. With weekly and daily goals set in writing, it can be a little bit more helpful and can prepare you well ahead so you can step into the Holy Month with a clear mind ready for actions.

2y ago

Blessings of Ramadan

A month of opportunity, and a month of change — Ramadan begins this year just as we welcome summer. This is the month that Muslims await all year long, and prepare for weeks ahead of time because of all the religious practices, fun activities, great food, and countless blessings.

3y ago

Return of the Baguette Bag

While most things have gone downhill in 2020, some have gone up, and we are glad that small purses are one of them. Large chunky bags were big until last year, and while they have not gone redundant, smaller bags have been more popular, in particular baguette bags.

3y ago

4 fashion styling tricks to bring down from the runway

This used to be big a few years ago, but is now back for 2020 couture. Brands like Chloé and Balmain showcased some in the form of dresses, pant suits, flowy skirts, but whichever form you choose, make sure to pay close attention to the material.

4y ago

For the love of stationery hoarding

It may be a digital age where, instead of paper, notes are taken on a scribble pad app on our smartphones, but a true stationery-nerd knows to keep a pen and notepad in their bags.

4y ago
June 4, 2019
June 4, 2019

Zero hour Tailor tweets

“A(fa) go maaf koiren ami ‘sick’ asilam apner ka(f)orer kaj shesh korte (f)ari nai,” ping went my Viber, in the middle of the night! I wouldn’t have worried much if it wasn’t chaand raat already. But, did you think I was born yesterday, or completely at the mercy of the tailor

June 4, 2019
June 4, 2019

The last moment check list

We have successfully made it to the end of another Ramadan. However, despite all the preparations and checklists through the month, there are things that often skip our attention. From that one missing condiment to the un-ironed curtains, a last look always helps.

June 4, 2019
June 4, 2019

Summer Eid: dos and don’ts

Summer Eids are going to be the norm for the next few years, and thus we must remember to adjust expectations and plans to make it the most fun.

May 28, 2019
May 28, 2019

Wear your pride

The thrill of cricket has made jerseys one of the biggest selling items in the country, letting you wear your favourite number and name on the back; this particular shade of green stands for nothing but pride. While we support and love one country, the jerseys we sport can be of different designs

May 28, 2019
May 28, 2019

Finger foods for the big match

With the series of big games coming up, we need a pile of snacks, if only to keep us from fidgeting over the scores. Instead of loading up on packaged sugary goodies, which we all regret later on, as a sugar rush on top of the match excitement is not really fun, why not try making some easy snacks

May 14, 2019
May 14, 2019

Smart shopping

From groceries to condiments, to gifts, the list seems never-ending as Eid arrives. A little organisation, smart use of all the different transaction methods, and having detailed lists of what one actually requires, as opposed to what we end up buying on impulse, can narrow down the entire process and make it stress-free.

April 23, 2019
April 23, 2019

Fragrances that can help save the planet

They are great; they provide our signature scents that leave a lasting first impression; mask any unwanted odour create our personal auras. But one of the biggest problem with these incredibly over-the-top pretty bottles of fragrances are that they are not reusable.

March 19, 2019
March 19, 2019

Curries around the world

Growing up in an Asian home, we could not be more familiar with the sublime, yet chunky and mouth-watering curry. But while we devour our own form of this delicious dish, the world is enjoying a different version, recipe, and consistency in every corner.

March 19, 2019
March 19, 2019

Nail care done right

The first step to nail care is to avoid cutting off the cuticles, a common mistake done by many in order to get cleaner and bigger nail beds.

March 12, 2019
March 12, 2019

Clean Air in the Home

The first step to clean and breathable air in the home starts with some healthy ventilation. While older apartments come with permanent ventilators, newer ones mostly do not.