Hasan Meer

The writer is a journalist at The Daily Star.

Zap potbellies with potholes

Getting tired of your potbelly? 

2y ago

DMCH’s ‘dirty’ laundry

People from across the country flock to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) for treatment. According to hospital authorities, around 4,000 patients remain admitted to this 2,600-bed public hospital on a regular basis.  

2y ago

Female Tea Garden Workers: Workplace sanitation still a far cry for them

For the last 20 years, Chinami Madraji has been working at a tea garden in Moulvibazar. Rain or shine, the 35-year-old mother of five works for eight to 10 hours a day.

2y ago

‘All about ensuring services to people’

With 13 districts, 42 circles and 96 police stations under its jurisdiction, Dhaka range is one of the most important institutions of police that not only ensures safety and security of people but also oversees and monitors services provided by law enforcers.

3y ago

Tea Workers’ Day: 100 years of a forgotten tragedy

These days, Shamnarayan Goor doesn’t do much other than sitting on the porch of his hut and watching the day go by, over the hilly terrain of Lungla Tea Garden in Sylhet.

3y ago

It’s a risky job; we do it to ensure citizens’ safety

Since its inception in 2006, Bomb Disposal Unit -- a specialised force of police trained to disarm bombs and other explosives devices -- has been

3y ago

Half a century with a shrapnel in her skull

Young Nurjahan Begum and Nuru Mia got married in early 1971.

3y ago

‘We try to ensure no one is denied justice’

Formed in 2012, Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) has earned a reputation for solving the seemingly unsolvable, “sensational” and difficult cases. This specialised unit conducts criminal investigations and digital forensic services by the order of court and Police Headquarters (PHQ). In an interview with The Daily Star, PBI chief, Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Banaj Kumar Majumder spoke about the organisation’s work process, achievements, challenges, constraints and future plans.

3y ago
December 16, 2019
December 16, 2019

The guerrilla of Garo hills

Every day at the break of dawn, Albert Mrong sets out from home on his bicycle with a bag full of medicines. He rides over the uneven terrain of Madhupur -- surrounded by banana orchards -- stopping at homes of worried villagers and giving them necessary vaccines and antidote for their cattle.

November 30, 2019
November 30, 2019

BIBI MARIAM: A saviour of the city ignored

The bandits came through Buriganga. They were swift and ruthless, stealing goods and cargo from boats in open water and docked along waterfront piers.

November 23, 2019
November 23, 2019

A Stark Contrast: Coping with patients five times its capacity

Sitting on the floor by her son, Nurunnahar gently moves Ibrahim’s head upwards and helps him drink water.

November 23, 2019
November 23, 2019

A Stark Contrast: Well-equipped, yet not fully functional in a year

With its clean and calm ambience, the institute looks like a privately-run one, well-equipped to provide treatment to patients.

November 16, 2019
November 16, 2019

BANGABANDHU NOVO THEATRE: Stumbling to take young minds to the stars

It’s dead of night. There’s an eerie silence all around. In the limitless, cloudless sky above, millions of stars can be seen glittering. There’s the constellation and that one in the distant is the Orion -- all seem to be moving in a rhythmic and orderly way -- that too in an almost touchable distance!

November 2, 2019
November 2, 2019

DMCH Outpatient Dept: An ordeal of unending queues

On the night of October 14, Sanjida Begum fell off the stairs of her Azimpur New Colony residence, and hurt her leg.

October 25, 2019
October 25, 2019

A museum waiting to be discovered

Did you know in the early days of the postal system, a “dak harkara” (runner/postman) -- attired in bright uniform with badges, satchel full of mail on his back, armed with a spear for self-defense, a lantern in hand to show the path and jingling bells or bugle to announce his arrival ahead of time -- was the protagonist in mail delivery?

August 24, 2019
August 24, 2019

An ode to beauty

Imagine a place in the middle of hustle and bustle of Old Dhaka, where one can relax with family or friends, or even walk around a lush green courtyard.

July 28, 2019
July 28, 2019

Bakarkhani: A love story

Every day at the break of dawn, Yakub Ali heads out to his bakery at Nazira Bazar.

June 11, 2019
June 11, 2019

Reuniting Families

Imagine a family going home for the holidays. The jovial trio -- father, mother and a five-year-old boy -- reach Sayedabad Bus Terminal on time.