Nifath Karim Chowdhury

Don't let Summer be a Bummer

Summer's here, and it looks like it's going to stay for a while in all it's hot, humid glory.

8y ago

Lunch Time

The bell rang to signal lunch break, and the students jumped off gleefully from the desks they had been stuck to for four hours.

8y ago

Let's Yoga

When you've been following too many Victoria's Secret angels on Instagram, it can make you feel slightly – disproportioned, let's say.

8y ago


There's this corner on a page of my book that's bent and creased so badly it doesn't look like it fits in with the rest of it.

9y ago

Winter is Coming – Oh No, it's Here

Winter is undeniably here, and snowman emojis have taken over my Instagram feed. Sweaters are taken out from deep inside closets...

9y ago

A Light Pick-me-up

British YouTuber, blogger and internet personality Zoe Sugg, better known as “Zoella”, released her second novel recently. Titled “Girl Online: On Tour”, this is a sequel to her debut novel from last year, “Girl Online.”

9y ago

Fond Memories

The realization settled in her mind slowly, like dust blinking golden in shafts of sunlight streaming in through half-open/half-closed curtains before gently finding their place on wooden table tops and untouched books.

9y ago

When You're Missing Out on Sibling Love

If you grew up with siblings, you'll know that fights and tantrums were as much a part of your daily routine as having lunch and dinner.

9y ago
May 5, 2016
May 5, 2016

Don't let Summer be a Bummer

Summer's here, and it looks like it's going to stay for a while in all it's hot, humid glory.

March 31, 2016
March 31, 2016

Lunch Time

The bell rang to signal lunch break, and the students jumped off gleefully from the desks they had been stuck to for four hours.

March 24, 2016
March 24, 2016

Let's Yoga

When you've been following too many Victoria's Secret angels on Instagram, it can make you feel slightly – disproportioned, let's say.

January 28, 2016
January 28, 2016


There's this corner on a page of my book that's bent and creased so badly it doesn't look like it fits in with the rest of it.

December 31, 2015
December 31, 2015

Winter is Coming – Oh No, it's Here

Winter is undeniably here, and snowman emojis have taken over my Instagram feed. Sweaters are taken out from deep inside closets...

December 17, 2015
December 17, 2015

A Light Pick-me-up

British YouTuber, blogger and internet personality Zoe Sugg, better known as “Zoella”, released her second novel recently. Titled “Girl Online: On Tour”, this is a sequel to her debut novel from last year, “Girl Online.”

October 8, 2015
October 8, 2015

Fond Memories

The realization settled in her mind slowly, like dust blinking golden in shafts of sunlight streaming in through half-open/half-closed curtains before gently finding their place on wooden table tops and untouched books.

July 30, 2015
July 30, 2015

Different Types of Teachers

They say that teaching is a noble profession. Teachers guide and shape the minds that will one day be in control of the future.

July 30, 2015
July 30, 2015

When You're Missing Out on Sibling Love

If you grew up with siblings, you'll know that fights and tantrums were as much a part of your daily routine as having lunch and dinner.

July 2, 2015
July 2, 2015

All Flavours of Rickshaw Rides

Rickshaws have been my number one mode of transportation for as long as I can remember. These three-wheeled, surprisingly sturdy vehicles have been my ride to all sorts of events, in all sort of weather and other conditions. Regular rickshaw commuters will agree with me, when I say that there are certain types of rickshaw rides everyone encounters.