Osama Rahman

Government offers information streaming service Proper Gander for only 300 BDT per month

The government yesterday declared that not all citizens had the right to information, but they could get it by paying a modest amount.

3y ago

Bill to open up to sympathetic Bangladeshi online media instead of Oprah

“She forced me to take weeklong vacations with an ex-girlfriend. She forced me to spend days on the beach with my ex.”

3y ago

Morally upstanding preacher loves wife so much, he wants two of them

A morally upstanding preacher, who made a name for himself by spewing violent vitriol against more liberal members of his community on a daily basis, yesterday disclosed to the media that he had a side-wife as well.

3y ago

‘Homelessness a great excuse to work harder’

Is it better to stay in a toilet for seven months with four others or is it better to work 10-hour shifts with no toilet breaks?

3y ago

People who ‘managed’ crucial vaccine despite not meeting criteria still proud of themselves

Of all the people who inundated the country’s social media feed with pictures of them getting vaccinated, more than half had not met the criteria, data from a public health watchdog shows.

3y ago

Government employees donate 25% of salary for city’s decorations

Red lights. Green light. Then blue lights. And some yellow lights. It doesn’t matter when the colours stop representing what they are meant to because we don’t have enough of those colours.

3y ago

Country’s image more fragile than male ego? One country finally opens up

Osama Rahman [OR]: We all want to know one thing and I want to get right to the point. Why is your image being tarnished so easily? Do critical words really take away from how far you have come since you were declared a basket case by a racist, mass murderer?

3y ago

Government officially launches The Snitches Club

The Government of Chapasthan officially launched The Snitches Club earlier yesterday. An initiative of the Ministry of Misinformation, the club was inaugurated by the country’s leader, who attended virtually from their official residence.

3y ago
May 10, 2018
May 10, 2018


The coming month of Ramadan brings forth two widely different forms of enjoyment: one being the fast and the other the breaking of

May 4, 2018
May 4, 2018

No child left behind

Ex manus capere. Detach from the hand.

April 20, 2018
April 20, 2018

Bank of the bold

Bangladesh International Vote Banking brings you the opportunity to avail dead people votes, double votes, interest-based group votes, and much more, all designed in ways to suit you.

April 6, 2018
April 6, 2018

­­New names, new solutions

Kamrul Hussain, a small trader in Cumilla, sits sprawled across a sofa in his comfortable two-room apartment in the city. He is gloating. “I cannot wait for us to become a developing country. I might actually be able to buy this place if that happens,” he says.

April 5, 2018
April 5, 2018

Do you take cards?

If you like eating out, then you must have asked the title question, more than once in your lifetime. In Dhaka nowadays, the answer to

March 23, 2018
March 23, 2018

Reporting Trauma Empathy Not Sympathy

The recent BS211 crash went down as one of the gravest chapters in Bangladesh's aviation history. But before the dust had settled and the survivors had a chance to process their grief, rampant media speculation turned the spotlight to the conduct of the newsmen themselves.

March 17, 2018
March 17, 2018

Flight of the survivors

It was a momentary respite from a black chapter for many people. This particular Biman Bangladesh flight BG072 from Kathmandu to Dhaka was carrying Almun Nahar Annie, Mehedi Hasan and Kamrunnahar Shwarna -- three survivors of the BS211 air crash.

March 16, 2018
March 16, 2018

A return no one ever expects

Almun Nahar Annie, one of the survivors, had been refusing to go back to Bangladesh. Last night though, she finally changed her mind. Annie lost her husband FH Priok and their only child Tamarra in the BS211 crash. What does she have to go back to?

March 15, 2018
March 15, 2018

Reporter's Diary: Mud slung, hands wrung

On March 13, a day after the worst civil aviation disaster of the country, a Bangladesh Biman plane was getting ready to land at Kathmandu's Tribhuvan International Airport, the scene of the crash.

March 15, 2018
March 15, 2018

Test of patience after shock

A flurry of activity outside the main gate of Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital alerted journalists to something happening soon. Within moments, an ambulance drove towards the forensic department and a few worried people -- relatives of the Monday's air crash victims -- hustled hoping to have a glimpse of their departed loved ones.

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