Saim Ahmed Shifat

Mixed Reality and users’ mixed feelings surrounding it

For many years now, Virtual Reality (VR) has been a buzzword among tech communities. Over the years, it has led the way for Augmented

3y ago

The guilty pleasure of video game piracy

Although the practice is not commendable, piracy plays a significant role in making video games more accessible in Bangladesh and keeping the demand alive. A huge portion of these initial consumers grows to be the buyers who pay for the games they play. Besides, ensuring affordable content is also an important aspect for hardware sellers in Bangladesh so that they can justify their consumers' purchase and upgrade of hardware.

3y ago

Developers mad at giving up 30% of the Apple pie

Over the last year, companies have been getting more vocal about their disagreement with the sales cuts Apple takes from its app store. App developers like Epic Games and the digital music service Spotify have recently challenged Apple, the most valuable company in the world, for the company's policy of taking a large cut of its app store sales.

4y ago

Busting data science myths

It is a universal truth that all modern businesses today are more or less packed with a lot of data. 1 Exabyte (1⁰¹⁸) of data is being created on the internet daily.

4y ago

Burnouts during a Pandemic: Where do we focus?

The WHO defines burnout as a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed and is characterized by three dimensions viz; feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;

4y ago

Guide to grocery shopping during coronavirus pandemic

Step one is to assess the need for going to the store at all. Ideally, people of the age group of 60 or above, people with flu symptoms and chronic medical conditions should avoid crowded places at all costs and that includes the grocery stores.

4y ago

Emerging consumer trends and their future in a post-pandemic world

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted multiple aspects of our life by impacting the global economy, reducing polarization while encouraging solidarity and functionality.

4y ago

Tech vs COVID-19: How the coronavirus is bringing out the best tech has to offer

The spread and devastating impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) are unprecedented.

4y ago
February 14, 2020
February 14, 2020

Tested: Asus Zenbook Pro Duo

Asus already paved the way for dual screen laptops with screenpads in Asus ZenBook Pro 15 back in July, 2018. However, the ZenBook Pro Duo released in September, 2019 took this concept to another level.

January 31, 2020
January 31, 2020

The global video gaming industry Not as fun as it seems

The gaming industry is currently richer than both the global box office and the music industry combined. By 2022, experts forecast it to produce USD 196 billion in revenue and tech giants like Apple and Google are trying to cash in on this by launching gaming streaming services of their own.

January 24, 2020
January 24, 2020

In conversation with the CEO of Huawei Technologies Ltd. (Bangladesh)

“Huawei started its journey back in 1987 and every year we allocate almost 50% of our revenue in research and development.
