Once widely abundant, the freshwater for Dhaka dwellers continues to deplete at a dramatic rate and may disappear far below the ground.
Groundwater is indeed a huge wealth of Bangladesh, but this ample freshwater resource is now at a serious risk of gradual depletion and contamination.
The R&D allocation is too meagre for an economy like Bangladesh
Water is everywhere in and around Bangladesh, yet the lack of freshwater is one of its most pressing concerns.
Money is not a problem, and the government too intends to support the poor in their dire need. What’s the problem then? The government does not know who to help out!
She wasn’t handcuffed. Yet, she was indeed guarded by hordes of police personnel all the time: from custody to court. Following an overnight stay in custody, she was taken to court with a “guard of dishonour” and then hauled on to a prison van to jail on Tuesday.
Steam goes off, lid in the handle slides down to be in airtight mode, and pressure starts to mount again within the sealed pot before the next hiss.
The reflections in the controlled media are just like visual distortions to people, who always turn to free media for authentic information. A free media is after all the mirror they need. And, press freedom, not the ‘praise freedom’, is what turns a media into that mirror.
Humility is the rarity that goes sorely missing in people with power. Among hordes of influential people in our society, only a few stand apart as rarity, a light of hope for the society against show of arrogance. With the passing of Latifur Rahman, a light of rarity went out for good.
Protected and unprotected: an oblique line of the government’s preference separated the two.
Protected and unprotected: an oblique line of the government’s preference separated the two.
Eid is here, yet a sense of huge emptiness engulfs each of us. Happiness, where has it gone?
A private foundation of Suhana and Anis Ahmed sends out this message to society’s all-haves while taking some burdens off the shoulders of no-haves during an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that Bangladesh has ever faced due to coronavirus pandemic.
About 13,000 drivers of CNG-run three-wheelers in the country are among this vulnerable group. They have mostly remained out of the radar of aid. The government’s assistance or wealthy people’s financial help have hardly reached them. Having exhausted meagre savings and loans from relatives, they’re bracing themselves for the seemingly inevitable.
Bangladesh got a little break from the doom and gloom of the coronavirus pandemic yesterday when Hitachi in Tokyo launched its made-in-Bangladesh IoT application-based airCloud Pro device, which manages large cooling and heating systems remotely.
Bangladesh got a little break from the doom and gloom of the coronavirus pandemic yesterday when Johnson Controls – Hitachi Air Conditioning in Tokyo launched its made-in-Bangladesh IoT application-based airCloud Pro device, which manages large cooling and heating systems remotely.
“Herd immunity” is the ultimate answer to any pandemic, and Bangladesh, by no choice of its own, is rushing towards it to keep coronavirus at bay.