Syed Manzoorul Islam

Syed Abul Maksud: A man of great integrity

Remembering Syed Abul Maksud on his 76th birth anniversary

1y ago

Our Anis Sir: A Tribute

In the space of just a few months, Bangladesh has become a land of vanishing greatness.

4y ago

Education budget FY2019-20: The missing links

A national budget, as a layman understands it, is a financial estimation about a government’s earnings and expenditure over a year which also takes into account the trends and projections about the market, taxation and specific economic goals. In the context of countries like ours, the budget is also expected to address issues of equity and social justice, unemployment, poverty reduction and redistribution of income along with achieving fiscal discipline.

5y ago

Role of education in shaping employees of the future

Education today will fast become obsolete if it fails to address the challenges of creating 21st century competencies which range from advanced cognitive thinking and social and managerial skills to negotiating a technology driven world.

5y ago

How best to remember our martyred intellectuals

Every year on December 14, we remember our martyred intellectuals who lost their lives in 1971 at the hands of Pakistani death

5y ago

November 3, 1975: A day of infamy

Around midnight of November 3, 1975 a number of army personnel entered the Dhaka Central Jail where the four national leaders, Syed Nazrul Islam, Tajuddin Ahmad, M Mansur Ali and AHM Quamruzzaman had been taken only a week after the assassination of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

5y ago

A tribute to Mustafa Nur-Ul Islam

For most people who live to be 90, life is usually one long, painful journey troubled by debilitating illnesses or loss of mobility or memory, or both; they have to depend on others for the simplest of tasks like pouring a glass of water or turning in bed.

6y ago

A Review of His Chariot of Life: Liberation War, Politics and Sojourn in Jail

After Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury was slapped an uncertain prison term at the end of what he describes as a 'kangaroo trial,' on 18

6y ago
March 11, 2015
March 11, 2015

Degrees of empowerment: Higher education and its challenges

In 1837 Ralph Waldo Emerson spoke to Harvard's Phi Beta Kappa Society about the responsibilities of a scholar and the role played by an institution of higher learning in shaping the mind.
