Down to business with the best bathrooms

The quality of bathrooms you've come across while travelling will vary greatly.

3y ago


The United States said Monday it would not allow foreign students to remain in the country if all of their classes are moved online in the fall because of the coronavirus crisis.

4y ago

“I can’t hear you, is your mic even on?”

Yes, read the title again.

4y ago

Step into the boots of a pro footballer

New Star Soccer may not look the part, but it is one of the best sports RPG’s you can play on mobile. In it, you step into the shoes of a 16-year-old footballer and lead him through his entire footballing career.

4y ago

My first time as a koshai

It’s finally time. Year after year of having my authority questioned, of being belittled and humiliated by my own family, I’m going to

5y ago


For the longest time, the only cricket game of note was EA’s Cricket 07. Recently, however, the cricket game market has belonged to

5y ago

An impeccable visual novel, a disappointing investigation sim

Many games can spend millions on creating photorealistic depictions of a place only for it to not feel like a real location. Night Call,

5y ago

Exanima: Isometric RPG meets Mordhau

Okay, perhaps comparing this to Mordhau is a bit of a stretch. However, Exanima is such a unique game that I can’t find a better comparison than that. Bear with me while I explain exactly why this game is so difficult to place into a category. One thing I can

5y ago
May 17, 2018
May 17, 2018

Trying out manga as a book reader

Months and months of nagging on the part of my friends finally got to me. I, a lifelong reader, finally made the decision to try out manga for the first time. Before I recount the tale of my first manga reading, however, I'd like to fill you in on some of my reading habits to better set the scene for the transition.

May 3, 2018
May 3, 2018

Which IPL cricketer are you?

While everyone is busy with UEFA Champions League hype as it draws to a close, cricket fans have their own Indian Premier League (IPL) to be excited about. Featuring some of the best players in international and domestic cricket, the games are always exciting and a good way to spend your evenings.

May 3, 2018
May 3, 2018

Experiencing an internet argument

Arguing on the internet is fun, for a variety of reasons. Who wouldn't love to systematically dismantle someone else's ideas and exploiting loopholes in their logic at the same time. While engaged in such a noble deed, however, you tend to notice some of the finer aspects of pleasant internet discourse.

April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018

What your favourite book says about you

Move over Buzzfeed, with your “what flavour of vegan gluten-free cookie are you” quizzes. It's time for some real introspection. Today we're going to be judging each other based on our reading habits. Get ready to have a stranger tell you what your favourite book says about you. Hint: it's nothing good.

April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018

Chronicles of playing against someone actually better than you

Not to be confused with the other article bearing the same name, this one is for people who have lives and don't spend all day playing video games like losers. We know what it's like to be outmatched in activities that actually matter. The following are some of the things that go through our head when that happens.

April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018

Chronicles of playing against a friend who's better than you

The only thing that's better than gaming alone is having friends. Even better than that is being able to game with said friends. Of course, when you frequently play against skilled opponents you start to show some less than pleasant traits. Below are some of the more embarrassing ones.

April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018

What's your genjam persona?

Nothing gets your blood pumping like some good old-fashioned genjam, am I right? As entertaining as it may be to people all over the world, a well-publicised recent altercation involving certain cricketers revealed that genjam has a special place in every Bangladeshi's heart. Not even professional sportsmen can say no to its charm, apparently, so today we pay homage to the different personalities you see when genjam goes down.

April 5, 2018
April 5, 2018

Tales of jamming with friends

Much like those jumbo packs of chips you secretly buy, music is best when shared. Nothing compares to the feeling of creating beautiful melodies with your companions, which is why people love organising jamming sessions. The following are some of the many things that happen when you're jammin' without a care in the world.

April 5, 2018
April 5, 2018

A day in the life of a gamepad

Dawn arrives with first light—no wait it's the middle of the day, what gives? The answer is soon revealed as I realise I was at the bottom of a pile of dirty laundry. Banished to the corner, never to be seen again until the hour of need arrives, my suspicions prove to be true as I am swiftly plugged into the computer. It's time to get ready for the ordeal all over again.

March 22, 2018
March 22, 2018

Narcissistic traits we've all seen

Self-love is important. However, like any good thing, too much of it is bad. If you've gone over to the dark side of self-love, then you will be able to relate to most of the points made in this article. I apologize for any and all rude awakenings, but you should really tone it down a notch and recall that the universe does not revolve around you.

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