Down to business with the best bathrooms

The quality of bathrooms you've come across while travelling will vary greatly.

3y ago


The United States said Monday it would not allow foreign students to remain in the country if all of their classes are moved online in the fall because of the coronavirus crisis.

4y ago

“I can’t hear you, is your mic even on?”

Yes, read the title again.

4y ago

Step into the boots of a pro footballer

New Star Soccer may not look the part, but it is one of the best sports RPG’s you can play on mobile. In it, you step into the shoes of a 16-year-old footballer and lead him through his entire footballing career.

4y ago

My first time as a koshai

It’s finally time. Year after year of having my authority questioned, of being belittled and humiliated by my own family, I’m going to

5y ago


For the longest time, the only cricket game of note was EA’s Cricket 07. Recently, however, the cricket game market has belonged to

5y ago

An impeccable visual novel, a disappointing investigation sim

Many games can spend millions on creating photorealistic depictions of a place only for it to not feel like a real location. Night Call,

5y ago

Exanima: Isometric RPG meets Mordhau

Okay, perhaps comparing this to Mordhau is a bit of a stretch. However, Exanima is such a unique game that I can’t find a better comparison than that. Bear with me while I explain exactly why this game is so difficult to place into a category. One thing I can

5y ago
March 22, 2018
March 22, 2018

Overused storytelling clichés in gaming

A well-crafted, engaging story can elevate a good game to greatness. Sometimes, however, even games unanimously regarded as classics can suffer from clichés in the storytelling department.

March 15, 2018
March 15, 2018

Struggles of going somewhere new

Anyone who says “every mistake is an adventure” has clearly never gotten lost in this side of the world. Going to a new place in Bangladesh is as much of an adventure as wiping a runny nose with sandpaper, and here's why.

March 15, 2018
March 15, 2018

Tips for learning to drive

For all of you above eighteen, your most recent birthday means more than adulthood and a national ID. It means you're allowed to get a driver's license and finally go for those joyrides you love, legally. However, not everyone is born with the skill of Michael Schumacher, so let me teach you the way of the vehicle before you run all the pedestrians over.

March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018

YouTube channels for learning instruments

Want to jam to your favourite tracks but don't know how to get started? It can be very intimidating to learn a new instrument, but everything is easy with a little bit of direction. This is why I've compiled a list of YouTube channels to follow for when you're starting your musical journey. These are guaranteed to get you on the path to musical competency provided you practice regularly.

March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018

How to not get roasted about your embarrassing past

Most of you would agree if I said that your past life doesn't frame you in the most flattering light. I also know how it feels to have a past you want to erase, only to be thwarted by technology (thanks for nothing, Facebook memories). Over many such experiences of being roasted about cringe-worthy blasts from the past, I've amassed some priceless knowledge. With it, I make this guide to help you avoid the same fate.

March 1, 2018
March 1, 2018

Struggles of letting things go

Moving on is generally difficult, but this is amplified when cherished objects are concerned. I am, of course, talking about the things that have shaped our childhood/past but can no longer be kept for sentiment's sake. Here are some of the things whose losses have left me with unresolved abandonment issues.

February 22, 2018
February 22, 2018

Third wheeling tips

Of all the sacrifices we make for the people we care about, third wheeling must be the most taxing. Regardless of how much you care

February 22, 2018
February 22, 2018

Life lessons from YouTubers

Boy, has YouTube come a long way. In the twelve years since its conception, it has given us some wonderful content. Over time this content has shifted from funny cat videos to whatever the popular YouTubers can dream up. Mostly vlogs, since they're so “creative”.

February 15, 2018
February 15, 2018

A punny addiction

One day in class I sat down next to my friend, only to find him glued to his phone. That was pretty normal, and I assumed he was hung up on another one of his failed relationships.

February 8, 2018
February 8, 2018

How to stomach criticism of your writing

If you write, you will know the process of converting a random jumble of sentences into something cohesive and meaningful is

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