Zarin Rayhana

Are your video conferences safe?

When communication is key, who do you trust?

4y ago

A Detox Supplement Review

My journey into detoxification and self-discovery began when one night, this woman on the TV enlightened me that in order to detoxify your body, you must take Extra Nut Detoxing Supplements, because your liver is just as lazy as you at its job.

5y ago

Science podcasts for geeks

We have all been told by our teachers or seniors to read books on science outside our school curriculum, but some of us never seemed to be successful in this attempt because we found these books to be too complex or lacklustre.

6y ago

Dealing with rejection from your dream university

University admission tests are around the corner, and all of us have our heart set on a particular university, along with our parents who sometimes get even more anxious than we do. Most of the students of our country dream of making into public universities. Considering the colossal number of students that are going to compete for the somewhat few seats available, it is like a life-and-death moment for the students and their families. Hereby, a rejection can be life-shattering.

6y ago

The Best Things about Internet Friends

I remember the first time I joined social media, my parents and relatives had delivered an entire sermon on why I shouldn't be befriending unknown people on the internet. Their descriptions caused me to think of malicious, perverted old men every time the term 'internet friends' was mentioned in front of me. However, over the years, after I learned to distinguish shady internet people from the genuinely good ones

6y ago

An aisle-by-aisle guide to grocery shopping

Grocery shopping is a Herculean task, but you don't realise that until you get to do it by yourself. It might be the time when you have to move away for college, or when your parents are too busy with work so they just heave the responsibility upon your shoulders. Of course, I'm no grocery shopping expert, but here are some of the things that I learned from my experiences.

6y ago

Weird Marvel TV shows

Supaidaman is a Japanese adaptation of Spiderman, a tokusatsu that was produced by Toei Company after a licensed agreement with Marvel. The show tells the story of Takuya Yamashiro, an ardent motorcycle racer, who follows his father to a fallen spaceship called the Marveller (how original). There, he encounters the last survivor of a planet called Planet Spider, who enlightens them about an evil

6y ago

The hair tonic that changed my life

Keeping up with the trends, I used to frequently dye my hair, which had resulted in the brittle and drab hair that you can find in my old #badhairday selfies on Instagram. Despite the tons of products that I had used to repair my hair, nothing seemed to reverse the damage that the dyes had caused.

6y ago
January 12, 2017
January 12, 2017

Struggles of Switching to a New Operating System

Last month I suddenly upgraded my laptop to Windows 10. Not only had I paid for it, but I also bade adieu to my favorite operating system of all time – Windows 7.

January 12, 2017
January 12, 2017

The Guide to Public Washrooms

For me, surviving in a public washroom requires no less skill than surviving a week in the Amazon jungle.

January 5, 2017
January 5, 2017

Driving with Your Parents

If your parents ever drove you crazy while you were driving car, you are not the only one. Your mom tenses up as if she saw Godzilla wreaking havoc throughout the city.

December 22, 2016
December 22, 2016

Superstitions in Sports

Most of us in this day and age still believe in our own handful of superstitions, no matter how many times you deny the assertion.

December 15, 2016
December 15, 2016

Ways to Be Classy Like James Bond

The wedding season is here, and you know you will need to dress classy when your Mom asks you to “get ready” for a random wedding chaperoned by an auntie you have never heard about.

December 8, 2016
December 8, 2016

What to do after Getting Brozoned

It is that very awkward moment when you realize, to your utter grief, that your feelings are not mutual. What's worse is the fact that all your friends seem to react to the news in a “sorry, not sorry” kind of attitude.

December 1, 2016
December 1, 2016


Dawson props the guitar carefully on his lap, and starts playing a tune he has never played before. It is one of those windy days of fall that indicates the arrival of an impending winter.

December 1, 2016
December 1, 2016

IMS – the Male PMS

Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS) – that moment when testosterone is out of whack in a male and he turns into a rather sniveling version of Matt Damon feeling all the 'feels'.

November 24, 2016
November 24, 2016

Biggest Pet Peeves on a First Date From a Girl's POV

The thought of first dates can induce butterflies in your stomach. They could either be too good to remember or entirely cringe worthy, depending on how much you have messed up your demeanor.

November 17, 2016
November 17, 2016

A Girl Driving around Dhaka at Midnight

It'd probably be considered “defiant act” that I have had midnight trips around Dhaka as a girl. There is something about my city which creates a craving in my heart to explore the desolate tarmac roads when they are taking a rest from all the commotion that has become a part of our lives.