TV & Film

‘Feu’ release date announced

'Feu' release date announced
Photo: Courtesy

Sukorno Shahed Dhiman's upcoming web series "Feu", set against the 1979 Marichjhapi massacre, explores the intersection of politics and humanity, shedding light on the brutal treatment of refugees. The series, featuring Tariq Anam Khan, Chanchal Chowdhury, Mostafizur Noor Imran, Tanveer Apurbo, Rizvi Rizu, and AK Azad Shetu, will premiere on Chorki on January 30 at 12:01am.

The story sheds light on the struggles of lower-caste (Namasudra) Hindu refugees, displaced by the partition of India and the Bangladesh Liberation War, who sought shelter on Marichjhapi Island in West Bengal. Despite government assurances, political betrayal led to a violent eviction campaign, turning hope into tragedy.

Chorki released the teaser for the series today, featuring a scene where a character wonders, "Hey Sunil Da, who are the Feu?" and is answered, "Agents. Government detectives are called agents."

Director Sukorno Shahed Dhiman explained that the word "Feu" is deeply woven into the story. "It holds significance even within the political narrative. When fear and anxiety become ingrained in people's lives, it can still be encapsulated by the word 'Feu.' The series is about navigating life amidst this fear and finding ways to overcome it. That's why naming it 'Feu' felt most fitting," he said.

‘Feu’ release date announced
Photo: Courtesy

Veteran actor Tariq Anam Khan plays the role of Kazi in the series. Describing his character, he shared, "Kazi is a powerful figure in the area, deeply involved in politics. While his influence extends everywhere, he doesn't overtly showcase it. Through this character, I believe the political dynamics of the region have been portrayed effectively."

Tariq Anam Khan shared that although he was born and raised in the Khulna region, he had never visited the Sundarbans before. For the first time, he travelled deep into the Sundarbans for the shoot.

Sharing his experience, the actor said, "Performing in the local dialect felt natural and authentic. Some moments have stayed with me. Locals approached me with heartfelt expressions, saying, 'We haven't seen you in years! As children, we walked miles just to watch you on TV. Can this truly be happening now? May I shake your hand?' Their simple, heartfelt words carried immense warmth."

Chanchal Chowdhury plays the character of Sunil, a photographer, in the series. He mentioned that "Feu" has a historical backdrop and setting, and Sunil captures many of these events through his camera.

Chanchal reflected on his filming experience, stating, "When we were shooting, it was extremely cold. We spent about a month in the Sundarbans, and I was there for more than 20 days. Sleeping on the launch at night was challenging due to the cold. I had to sleep in winter clothes. However, the cold was not as intimidating as the crocodiles. The launch was anchored in a spot where crocodiles could be seen nearby. In the mornings, you could spot crocodiles and other animals and birds right outside the window. To reach the shooting locations, we would take small trawlers from the launch. We even had to shoot at night. It was a very tough environment."

Photo: Courtesy

On the other hand, Mostafizur Noor Imran portrays the character of Marshal in a completely unique look. He dedicated a year and a half to preparing for this role and the series.

Speaking about his role, the actor said, "When the director narrated the story and the character of Marshal, I was so excited that I didn't even consider the time or effort required to prepare for the role. Set in the Sundarbans, I focused on adapting the body language, philosophy, and finer details of someone from that environment. Growing my hair and beard was part of the visible transformation, but there was also internal preparation that went unseen."

Noor Imran described the shooting experience for "Feu" as "intense." He shared, "We had to work in parts of the Sundarbans where no filming had ever been done before. We had to make those areas suitable for our shoot, which was a challenge in itself."


‘Feu’ release date announced

'Feu' release date announced
Photo: Courtesy

Sukorno Shahed Dhiman's upcoming web series "Feu", set against the 1979 Marichjhapi massacre, explores the intersection of politics and humanity, shedding light on the brutal treatment of refugees. The series, featuring Tariq Anam Khan, Chanchal Chowdhury, Mostafizur Noor Imran, Tanveer Apurbo, Rizvi Rizu, and AK Azad Shetu, will premiere on Chorki on January 30 at 12:01am.

The story sheds light on the struggles of lower-caste (Namasudra) Hindu refugees, displaced by the partition of India and the Bangladesh Liberation War, who sought shelter on Marichjhapi Island in West Bengal. Despite government assurances, political betrayal led to a violent eviction campaign, turning hope into tragedy.

Chorki released the teaser for the series today, featuring a scene where a character wonders, "Hey Sunil Da, who are the Feu?" and is answered, "Agents. Government detectives are called agents."

Director Sukorno Shahed Dhiman explained that the word "Feu" is deeply woven into the story. "It holds significance even within the political narrative. When fear and anxiety become ingrained in people's lives, it can still be encapsulated by the word 'Feu.' The series is about navigating life amidst this fear and finding ways to overcome it. That's why naming it 'Feu' felt most fitting," he said.

‘Feu’ release date announced
Photo: Courtesy

Veteran actor Tariq Anam Khan plays the role of Kazi in the series. Describing his character, he shared, "Kazi is a powerful figure in the area, deeply involved in politics. While his influence extends everywhere, he doesn't overtly showcase it. Through this character, I believe the political dynamics of the region have been portrayed effectively."

Tariq Anam Khan shared that although he was born and raised in the Khulna region, he had never visited the Sundarbans before. For the first time, he travelled deep into the Sundarbans for the shoot.

Sharing his experience, the actor said, "Performing in the local dialect felt natural and authentic. Some moments have stayed with me. Locals approached me with heartfelt expressions, saying, 'We haven't seen you in years! As children, we walked miles just to watch you on TV. Can this truly be happening now? May I shake your hand?' Their simple, heartfelt words carried immense warmth."

Chanchal Chowdhury plays the character of Sunil, a photographer, in the series. He mentioned that "Feu" has a historical backdrop and setting, and Sunil captures many of these events through his camera.

Chanchal reflected on his filming experience, stating, "When we were shooting, it was extremely cold. We spent about a month in the Sundarbans, and I was there for more than 20 days. Sleeping on the launch at night was challenging due to the cold. I had to sleep in winter clothes. However, the cold was not as intimidating as the crocodiles. The launch was anchored in a spot where crocodiles could be seen nearby. In the mornings, you could spot crocodiles and other animals and birds right outside the window. To reach the shooting locations, we would take small trawlers from the launch. We even had to shoot at night. It was a very tough environment."

Photo: Courtesy

On the other hand, Mostafizur Noor Imran portrays the character of Marshal in a completely unique look. He dedicated a year and a half to preparing for this role and the series.

Speaking about his role, the actor said, "When the director narrated the story and the character of Marshal, I was so excited that I didn't even consider the time or effort required to prepare for the role. Set in the Sundarbans, I focused on adapting the body language, philosophy, and finer details of someone from that environment. Growing my hair and beard was part of the visible transformation, but there was also internal preparation that went unseen."

Noor Imran described the shooting experience for "Feu" as "intense." He shared, "We had to work in parts of the Sundarbans where no filming had ever been done before. We had to make those areas suitable for our shoot, which was a challenge in itself."


ট্রাম্প নিজের ‘ফাঁদেই’ ধরা পড়ছেন?

যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে আমদানি করা একটি গাড়ির দাম যদি ৫০ হাজার ডলার হয় এবং এর ওপর ২৫ শতাংশ শুল্ক বসে তাহলে ক্রেতাকে গুণতে হবে বাড়তি সাড়ে ১২ হাজার ডলার। সেই বাড়তি ডলার যাবে মার্কিন ক্রেতার পকেট থেকেই।

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