

ESSAY / Ali Riaz’s ‘More than Meets the Eye’ and a writer’s responsibility

Writers and intellectuals are obligated to stir moral indignation at gross injustices and the plight of the masses.

1y ago

Why Randomised Controlled Trials need to include human agency

There’s a buzz abroad in the development community around a new way to tackle extreme poverty. For exemple BRAC’s Targeting the Ultra Poor (TUP) programme combines asset transfers (usually livestock), cash stipends, and intensive mentoring to women and families in extreme poverty in order to help them “graduate” into more sustainable livelihoods within two years.

4y ago

After Bhola / Five takes on the proliferation of fake news to instigate communal unrest and its larger political implications

Violence in Bhola preceded with a familiar pattern of events, blaming a member of a religious minority for demeaning Islam, creating a frenzy and then mobilising the angry people to the street.

4y ago

A BAN ON STUDENT POLITICS / Cutting the head to cure a headache?

Speaking as a representative of the students, I want to reiterate that the BUET students are demanding that only party politics be banned on campus—not student politics in general. To be more specific, they are demanding the ban of Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL).

4y ago

A Vices’ circle

I don’t know whether to call it luck that we get to witness the development of a brand-new English phrase right under our noses. The

4y ago

From victims to villains: The changing discourse on Rohingyas

Yet another attempt to send Rohingyas back to Myanmar ended up in an embarrassing debacle last week: Not a single Rohingya

4y ago

Opinion / Neoliberal apologetics: The fallacy of boycotting meat to save the Amazon

This week, the tragic news that massive wildfires are raging in the Amazon has shocked the world. As photos of burning trees, fleeing

4y ago

Opinion / The one thing missing from the conversation

What Priya Saha cited to Donald Trump is a statistical fallacy, and downright irresponsible, but what is way more problematic was our reaction to it.

4y ago

Will Catalunya be the first new independent country since South Sudan?

At the time of writing, October 12, Spain is celebrating the Fiesta Nacional de España—the anniversary of the day on which Christopher Columbus finally found land in a scurvy-addled state after having lied about being able to read maps.

6y ago

“Burmaiya”: A new term to other the adivasi people of CHT

Having a flat nose and small eyes has always been a problem in Bangladesh, but now there is fresh cause for concern for the adivasi people of the Chittagong Hill Tracts. As Myanmar broils with trouble, Buddhists in Bangladesh are being used as scapegoats.

6y ago

Cruelty before sacrifice

Dhola Babu was the most prized possession of cattle farmer Abdus Sabur. At only two-and-a-half years, Dhola Babu, the Friesian bull had gained a staggering 1200 kilograms of muscle.

6y ago

Peoples' master plan for a livable future

The National Committee to Protect Oil, Gas, Mineral Resources, Power and Ports is proposing the “Peoples' Master Plan for Power and Energy (2017-2041)” as an alternative to the government's master plan.

6y ago

Let's talk about sex(uality), not police it

It's time to talk about sexuality. A few years ago, during the Rubel-Happy scandal, when Rubel was accused of sexually assaulting Happy,

7y ago

Where rapists do not fear to tread

News stories of two young women accusing the son of a well known jewellery store and one of his friends, of raping them at a hotel in Banani after a birthday party, are doing the rounds, evoking all sorts of reactions among the public.

7y ago

A Year on the Run

“I might not come back. I'm afraid. You had to flee from one place to another out of fear of being slaughtered by the extremists. If something like that happens again, I don't have the strength or ability to do things like you.”

7y ago


Being a single working women and a regular commuter in this city, I often have to deal with sarcastic debates on why there should be reserved seats for us.

7y ago

Should Bangladesh do more to support the Palestinian cause?

The Palestinian struggle for independence bears some resemblance to ours, but Bangladesh's support for their cause dated back to its ...

7y ago

American Muslims Must Stop Apologising

I had recently been asked to give a talk about “being an American Muslim in the United States.” Although wary of the uses and abuses of the term, I obliged.

7y ago
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