Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness

Early signs of heart attack: What every Bangladeshi should know

Did you know that according to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), in 2022, 17.45 per cent of the deaths in Bangladesh were attributed to heart attacks? The abrupt cutting off of blood flow to the heart muscle causes a heart attack.

31m ago

Why hit the gym when you can dance? Zumba takes over Bangladesh

Imagine entering a room where vibrant Latin beats, Bollywood tunes, and Arabic rhythms create an electrifying atmosphere. As the music plays, the space transforms into a dynamic dance floor. This is not just any dance party, it’s a Zumba class! An exercise increasingly gaining popularity across Bangladesh.

21h ago

Free classes, no flexibility required! A banker’s unlikely yoga mission

As the soft rays of the sun peek through the trees at Dhanmondi Lake, a group of women spread their yoga mats. Md Rokanuzzaman Tutul, their instructor, fusses over the arrangement of mats, ensuring ample space is available for effective movement. This is the usual scenario you may encounter if you happen to visit Dhanmondi Lake on a fine morning.

1w ago

Feeling flu-ish? These foods will have you back on your feet in no time

A weakened immune system makes you more susceptible to colds and the flu, but with the right habits and dietary choices, you can bolster your defence. Adequate rest, reduced stress, and healthy meals play a crucial role in recovery.

2w ago

Dhaka Flow’s grand opening: Finally, a place to heal your mind, body, and spirit

Dhaka Flow inaugurated its Health & Healing Studio on 7 September, 2024, in Banani, through a lively event, introducing a new hub for wellness that aims to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of its visitors.

3w ago

Eat, sleep, move, repeat: The lazy person’s guide to cardiac health

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the idea of changing your lifestyle drastically for the sake of your cardiac health. However, the path to improved cardiac wellbeing is often made up of tiny, consistent steps.

1m ago

Reiki: The ancient art of waving away your worries

The roots of Reiki trace back to Japan, but its branches have spread worldwide, touching the lives of many seeking holistic wellness.

1m ago

Youth wellbeing: More than just a trendy hashtag

Physical wellbeing and mental wellbeing are inextricably linked. To empower our youth with the knowledge and skills needed to be healthy in mind, body and spirit, a systems approach must be adopted.

1m ago

A Brave New World: How the urban youth are tackling mental health

When addressing mental health in Bangladesh, we’re no strangers to being labelled ‘mad’ or in the Bengali definition ‘pagol,’ when we acknowledge our depression or want to invest in therapy. Among the mentally ill, the youth form a significant number. While many suffer needlessly, others actively seek assistance to tackle their mental health issues and overcome them.   

1y ago

Inside the mind of a person suffering from OCD

I was diagnosed as having obsessive-compulsive behaviour (OCD) when I was 22 years old, but I have had OCD all my life. Looking back, it was so obvious, yet how I never got diagnosed earlier is beyond me. Better late than never; at least now I know why I am ‘compelled’ to do the things that I do.

1y ago

Puberty in boys: An often-overlooked part of growing up

There is much on the Internet regarding puberty and its effects on girls. Not enough has been said about its effects on boys, however, even though it is just as hard becoming an adult male. For those raising boys, especially, this can be a truly daunting time as puberty catches them off guard and a parent is never fully prepared to see the changes that transform their innocent, often needy little boy into a sullen, outspoken teen.

1y ago

Yoga and the nervous system

Yoga is relevant in our age. Far from being mystical and otherworldly, it is a teaching firmly grounded in the physiological realities of science. Our experience of the world depends entirely on the state of our nervous system. This, in turn, is influenced by a host of factors – genes, diet, environment, and lifestyle. If the nervous system is fresh and rested, the body is healthy and the mind is alert. As a result, our thoughts are powerful and clear, our actions, which are manifested thoughts, are successful and rewarding.

1y ago

Sleeping norms around the world

How beds are shared in a particular culture says a lot about their customs, environmental conditions, values, and material wealth. Besides, who you share your bed with can determine the quality and the amount of sleep that you get, yet another testimony to the fact that sleeping patterns are as much a cultural factor as they are biological.

2y ago

The invisible mental load on mothers

Most of motherhood that is glorified — the process of giving birth, breastfeeding, the sleepless nights — is visible. What if we say that this is only the tip of the iceberg? The invisible and infinitely more extensive workload frequently goes unseen by the world and is most often, the root cause of why mothers feel tired all the time. We call it the mental load and all mothers can relate.

2y ago

Food that boost your immune system

It is important to remember that the immune system is intricate. Eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet is just one way to help your immune system. It is also vital to consider other lifestyle factors that may have an impact on health, such as exercise and avoiding smoking.

2y ago

Health hazards of not changing bedsheets regularly

Not washing your sheets on a regular basis exposes you to the fungi, bacteria, pollen, and animal dander that are typically found on sheets and other bedding. Other things found on sheets include body secretions, sweat, and skin cells. This will not necessarily make you sick. But, in theory, it might. Consider the health risks of not washing your sheets on a regular basis.

2y ago

How to break your phone habit

Even if there are no notifications or alerts, most individuals check their phones every 15 minutes. Anxiety has developed around our collective relationship with technology to the point that we fear losing out if we do not check in as frequently as we believe we should. Spending too much time on your phone is not just a waste of time, but also a mental drain. Using social media often has been linked to negative outcomes in research examining psychological well-being. It is a good idea to understand and look into minimising your addiction to smartphones.

2y ago

Strength training for a long life

A new study published in The British Journal of Sports Medicine has found that doing both aerobics, up to three hours a week, and strength training, up to two sessions a week can result in lower mortality risks and better overall health than doing just one or the other. Regular physical exercise has plenty of health benefits, one of which is a longer life. Until now, most research showed that regular cardio or strength training interchangeably was the key to cardiac health, but recently, more and more experts are waking up to the benefits of pairing the two together for maximum longevity and health.

2y ago