Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness

Are you eating right this summer? A nutritionist’s guide to healthy diets

In the sweltering heat of a Bangladeshi summer, our bodies crave something different. Rather than sticking to our usual diet, one needs to bring change in their food habits.

4d ago

Food for thought: Things to eat to improve mental health

It's 2024 and we all know the importance of a healthy diet for physical health. But what about its impact on our mental well-being? Just like the rest of our body, the brain thrives on nourishment and the quality of that nourishment significantly influences our mood, cognitive function, and even our resilience to stress.

2w ago

Role of mental and physical health in corporate success, explains Shazia Omar

Shazia Omar, a reputed yogini, author, and co-founder of Dhaka Flow, explains why cultivating a supportive and healthy workplace has never been more important.

2w ago

Here’s why watermelons are good for you

Watermelons are not merely a symbol of summer refreshment. They are an excellent source of hydration and nutrition. Beyond its irresistible watery sweetness, the fruit is preferred for its ability to sustain good health and invigorate the body.

2w ago

Tips for exercising in this summer heat

In the intense heat, it can be quite tiresome to keep up with the constant momentum of your exercise routine. But there are still many ways to keep your plans from falling apart.

3w ago

Dermatologist-recommended skin care tips during this heatwave

Heat, humidity, and intense sun exposure can exacerbate or lead to various skin issues, especially during the heatwave. To keep our skin healthy and comfortable, we need to understand these common skin conditions and how to effectively manage them.

3w ago

Heatwave hack: Beat the monster heat with coconut water

When the blistering summer knocks at your doorstep, your first instinct would be to pull out a bottle of soft, cold drink from the fridge in a store or supermarket and chug it down in one go. Instead, say yes to coconut water for all of its goodness in summer!

3w ago

Living with phobias: Understanding and managing deep-seated fears

Phobias are not just simple fears. They are complex emotional and physiological responses that can disrupt daily functioning and overall quality of life.

3w ago

Can naps keep our brains healthy?

While longer naps could be an early symptom of Alzheimer’s disease, shorter naps are more and more being associated with larger total brain volume. This means that those daytime winks you love so much may actually protect against brain shrinkage as you age.

11m ago

Exercise to make you feel better

In a world where stress lurks around every corner and the obstacles of daily life start to weigh us down, taking care of our mental health has become more important than ever. While we often turn to various remedies and coping mechanisms, there is an alternative. Exercise! It has proven to relieve stress and give a sense of fulfilment and empowerment provided we are willing to invest our time into doing it.

11m ago

Exploring mindfulness: Simple techniques to reduce stress and improve well-being

From students to a man in his 60s planning his retirement, stress has become a common phenomenon in everyone’s lives. We all feel overwhelmed and disconnected from our own well-being as a result of the demands of work, family, and personal life.

11m ago

How to prevent dengue fever

Dengue fever and other severe dengue symptoms are the result of a viral illness spread by mosquito bites. Those infected with dengue often have a high temperature, headache, bodily pains, nausea, and rash. As the population of Aedes mosquitoes, which transmit the dengue virus, has surged in the early days of summer, medical professionals have warned that Bangladesh may have an even more severe outbreak of the disease in 2023 than in the previous years.

11m ago

Decoding the mind: Unravelling 7 cognitive biases that shape human decision-making

Humans make constant decisions due to their logical nature. Our choices range from simple to complex issues, such as what to eat for lunch to capital investment in a business. While we cannot be 100 per cent rational at all times, we mostly make logical decisions by weighing the pros and cons of each of our choices. That being said, we have developed some mental shortcuts known as cognitive biases to navigate and ease this decision-making process.

12m ago

Tired of your regular sanitary napkins? Try these products for a change

Researchers find that plastic materials in napkins and diapers take around 300 years to decompose in soil, which may lead to severe environmental consequences. But with increasing awareness and interventions in menstrual hygiene management across the country, the products in Bangladesh are slowly but surely changing. Their benefits are more long-lasting than the plastic products we have made ourselves complacent to.

1y ago

Things you need to know about sensitive children

In a world that takes pride in toughness and machoism, sensitivity is often mistaken for passiveness or weakness. In reality, however, this is a rare strength that runs the world, and given a nurturing environment, children with highly sensitive minds often enjoy certain advantages.

1y ago

5 psychological tricks to lose weight

How are your weight loss targets going? If you are falling off the target and have yet to achieve your weight loss transformation, remember it is common! To get you back on track and to remind you that it takes more than just physical effort to achieve your objectives, here are 5 underrated psychological tricks to help you lose weight.

1y ago

How phones change our brains

For years, naysayers have been talking about how devices drain the brain, depleting energy, and reducing its ability to retain information. While no one discounts the science behind it, studies have found that

1y ago

Exploring the causes and symptoms of dementia

Dementia is a cruel debilitating disease that affects the lives of millions of people across the globe. It is a terrifying condition that slowly erases people’s memories, their ability to think and reason, and their ability to do daily menial tasks eventually losing their independence. Although it is easy to dismiss the early signs of dementia as “getting old”, it is crucial to identify these symptoms and provide necessary care and support and get early treatment if necessary.

1y ago
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