Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness

Menstrual woes: PMDD and its symptoms, causes, and treatment

PMDD is a clinical disorder, yet, it remains shrouded in misunderstanding and misdiagnosis. To accurately understand and manage PMDD, we talked to renowned psychiatrist Professor Dr Anwara Syed Haq MBBS, FCPS, MRCPsych (London), who offered her valuable insights into the causes, symptoms, and effective coping strategies.

4w ago

Are you eating right this summer? A nutritionist’s guide to healthy diets

In the sweltering heat of a Bangladeshi summer, our bodies crave something different. Rather than sticking to our usual diet, one needs to bring change in their food habits.

1m ago

Food for thought: Things to eat to improve mental health

It's 2024 and we all know the importance of a healthy diet for physical health. But what about its impact on our mental well-being? Just like the rest of our body, the brain thrives on nourishment and the quality of that nourishment significantly influences our mood, cognitive function, and even our resilience to stress.

1m ago

Role of mental and physical health in corporate success, explains Shazia Omar

Shazia Omar, a reputed yogini, author, and co-founder of Dhaka Flow, explains why cultivating a supportive and healthy workplace has never been more important.

1m ago

Here’s why watermelons are good for you

Watermelons are not merely a symbol of summer refreshment. They are an excellent source of hydration and nutrition. Beyond its irresistible watery sweetness, the fruit is preferred for its ability to sustain good health and invigorate the body.

1m ago

Tips for exercising in this summer heat

In the intense heat, it can be quite tiresome to keep up with the constant momentum of your exercise routine. But there are still many ways to keep your plans from falling apart.

1m ago

Dermatologist-recommended skin care tips during this heatwave

Heat, humidity, and intense sun exposure can exacerbate or lead to various skin issues, especially during the heatwave. To keep our skin healthy and comfortable, we need to understand these common skin conditions and how to effectively manage them.

1m ago

Heatwave hack: Beat the monster heat with coconut water

When the blistering summer knocks at your doorstep, your first instinct would be to pull out a bottle of soft, cold drink from the fridge in a store or supermarket and chug it down in one go. Instead, say yes to coconut water for all of its goodness in summer!

1m ago

Exploring the causes and symptoms of dementia

Dementia is a cruel debilitating disease that affects the lives of millions of people across the globe. It is a terrifying condition that slowly erases people’s memories, their ability to think and reason, and their ability to do daily menial tasks eventually losing their independence. Although it is easy to dismiss the early signs of dementia as “getting old”, it is crucial to identify these symptoms and provide necessary care and support and get early treatment if necessary.

1y ago

5 health benefits of green tea

Back in the times of ancient medicine, green tea was used to heal cuts, help digestion, improve the health of the heart and mind, and keep the body at the right temperature.

1y ago

Understanding self-harm: A cry for help, not attention

Self-harm is a complex and often misunderstood behaviour that refers to the act of deliberately hurting oneself, typically by cutting, burning, or hitting one's own body. Although it is often associated with adolescents and young adults, self-harm can also be observed in older people. Unfortunately, despite the prevalence of self-harm in almost every part of our society, it remains shrouded in stigma.

1y ago

How to know your cholesterol is high

Between oily iftar items and the other delicious delicacies throughout the month of Ramadan, it will be very easy for some of us to delve into our favourite items and just let go. However, we must keep our cholesterol in check. High cholesterol is a fairly common problem and although most people face it in their 40s, the prevalence of high cholesterol level among individuals in their 20s and 30s is on the rise.

1y ago

How to quit smoking this Ramadan

A person who is trying to give up smoking may find that participating in activities throughout the month of Ramadan, such as visiting relatives, helping with the preparation of iftar or seheri meals, and praying helps keep them busy and provides assistance in doing so. Moreover, people may lessen their desire to smoke by taking measures like engaging in physical activities such as walking after iftar, consuming a large quantity of water after iftar, and avoiding the company of other individuals who smoke.

1y ago

Top 5 health benefits of fasting in Ramadan

Fasting during Ramadan has numerous health benefits in addition to observing one’s religious and spiritual obligations. Fasting in Ramadan highlights how giving your body a break from eating can lead you to being healthy. By approaching fasting with mindfulness and intention, both physical and spiritual benefits can be attained in this holy month. So, let’s take a look at the top 5 health benefits of fasting during Ramadan.

1y ago

Changing your food habits and lifestyle for a healthy body

The food you put in your system will have an impact on your organs, bones, brain, and cells. Scientific research states that on average an adult loses over 300 billion cells every day and the only way to replace those cells is through the food we eat, which acts as fuel for us to replenish those lost cells. When we eat toxic, less nutritional food our bodies stop manufacturing new healthy cells. Also, regular indulgence in processed food fills our system with chemicals and toxins that affect our organ’s resilience. When we eat healthy it replenishes our body internally and we see the results of having more energy, and more spontaneity in our daily life.

1y ago

12 foods that unclog arteries

Clogged arteries are the first step towards coronary diseases. A poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity and smoking, among plenty of other factors, can all cause poor heart health. A healthy heart ensures a long, healthy life and here are 12 foods to incorporate into your life that can help with achieving that.

1y ago

Signs of depression in children

Children, at every age, are trying to navigate emotions bigger than themselves and it is not unusual for them to feel down and washed out from time to time. However, when the feeling is very intense and continues for a long time, particularly in a way that impacts a child’s social, family or school life, it may be worth probing into.

1y ago

Musculoskeletal Disorders: signs and symptoms to lookout for

To say that neck and back pain are minor speed bumps in the process of ageing would be quite an understatement. Rheumatoid illnesses pack a cocktail of conditions that start off with one area of the body and gradually spill onto other parts, thus impacting our functionality and eventually productivity.

1y ago
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