Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness

Menstrual woes: PMDD and its symptoms, causes, and treatment

PMDD is a clinical disorder, yet, it remains shrouded in misunderstanding and misdiagnosis. To accurately understand and manage PMDD, we talked to renowned psychiatrist Professor Dr Anwara Syed Haq MBBS, FCPS, MRCPsych (London), who offered her valuable insights into the causes, symptoms, and effective coping strategies.

4w ago

Are you eating right this summer? A nutritionist’s guide to healthy diets

In the sweltering heat of a Bangladeshi summer, our bodies crave something different. Rather than sticking to our usual diet, one needs to bring change in their food habits.

1m ago

Food for thought: Things to eat to improve mental health

It's 2024 and we all know the importance of a healthy diet for physical health. But what about its impact on our mental well-being? Just like the rest of our body, the brain thrives on nourishment and the quality of that nourishment significantly influences our mood, cognitive function, and even our resilience to stress.

1m ago

Role of mental and physical health in corporate success, explains Shazia Omar

Shazia Omar, a reputed yogini, author, and co-founder of Dhaka Flow, explains why cultivating a supportive and healthy workplace has never been more important.

1m ago

Here’s why watermelons are good for you

Watermelons are not merely a symbol of summer refreshment. They are an excellent source of hydration and nutrition. Beyond its irresistible watery sweetness, the fruit is preferred for its ability to sustain good health and invigorate the body.

1m ago

Tips for exercising in this summer heat

In the intense heat, it can be quite tiresome to keep up with the constant momentum of your exercise routine. But there are still many ways to keep your plans from falling apart.

1m ago

Dermatologist-recommended skin care tips during this heatwave

Heat, humidity, and intense sun exposure can exacerbate or lead to various skin issues, especially during the heatwave. To keep our skin healthy and comfortable, we need to understand these common skin conditions and how to effectively manage them.

1m ago

Heatwave hack: Beat the monster heat with coconut water

When the blistering summer knocks at your doorstep, your first instinct would be to pull out a bottle of soft, cold drink from the fridge in a store or supermarket and chug it down in one go. Instead, say yes to coconut water for all of its goodness in summer!

1m ago

7 yoga positions that boost hair growth

Hair loss or thinning can be a frustrating stressful experience for everyone. While there are many treatments and products available to help promote hair growth, yoga can also be a natural and effective way to boost hair growth. Yoga not only helps reduce stress, which can contribute to hair loss but also increases blood circulation and oxygen flow to the scalp that promotes hair growth.

1y ago

Dos and don’ts of menstrual health and hygiene

Many women nowadays have to work outside of their homes for extended periods of time, often without access to appropriate washroom facilities. This can be difficult to manage when it comes to menstruation. This challenging scenario demands a sanitary napkin that can provide reliable protection for at least 12 hours, allowing them to go about their daily lives without worrying about leakage or discomfort. Finding an appropriate product can be essential to ensure that women can be productive and confident at work.

1y ago

Health benefits of citrus fruits

Regarded as a nutritional powerhouse, citrus fruits are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It includes a variety of healthy ingredients, including vitamin C, an antioxidant that guards against cell damage.

1y ago

Can exercise help battle depression in children?

Emerging as an unsung hero in battling depression, exercise has been known to work wonders in preventing mental health troubles in young people.

1y ago

The effects of sunlight on skin health and beauty

Although sun exposure can cause skin damage, accelerated ageing, and even skin cancer, these risks can be mitigated by using common sun safety measures. Sun rays can be beneficial for the skin as it helps in the synthesis of vitamin D and aid in the treatment of jaundice, and skin diseases like psoriasis, acne, and eczema. So, this time, allow yourself to glow with pride in stride as we discover some amazing benefits of the sun for skin health and beauty.

1y ago

World Cancer Day-2023: A Journey to “Close the Care Gap”

. To battle cancer and the fear it brings with the name, World Cancer Day is observed every year on the 4 February.

1y ago

Beauty sleep and its benefits for your skin

Women want flawless skin. A beautiful skin texture may go a long way in helping women radiate pride and gain more self-confidence. Be it a 10-step skincare routine or a crowded bathroom counter, we can go to great lengths to ensure that our skins look best first thing in the morning. Here we present some simple reasons why improving the skin-sleep relationship is beneficial for the perfect skin.

1y ago

The rainbow diet: Health benefits of coloured fruits and vegetables

From white, the brightest orange, to the deepest purple — make your meals and snacks as colourful as possible. Each colour provides unique health benefits and no one colour is superior to another, which is why a balance of all colours is most important. The ultimate goal of a ‘rainbow diet’ is to add 30 plus different colourful fruits and vegetables to your meals every week. Just plan for one colourful plant-based food at every meal and instead of rich, sugary treats after the meals or for between-meal snacks, use fresh fruits to satisfy the sweet tooth. Read on to learn more about the health benefits of coloured fruits and vegetables.

1y ago

How to not be SAD

Some people with SAD may experience symptoms in the summer but feel better in the winter. If you are one of them and feeling down after the holiday season, here are some tips for getting over your post-December depression.

1y ago

Tips to treat psoriasis this winter

Psoriasis is a skin condition that may flare up quite a bit during winter because of reduced sunlight and UV rays during this period. Sunlight contains UV rays, which can penetrate the skin and slow the formation of skin cells. Patches of thick, scaly skin develop as a result of the autoimmune disease. A person might feel itchy, uncomfortable, and painful. But the good news is, there are a number of ways to treat the illness throughout the winter.

1y ago
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