Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness

Why hit the gym when you can dance? Zumba takes over Bangladesh

Imagine entering a room where vibrant Latin beats, Bollywood tunes, and Arabic rhythms create an electrifying atmosphere. As the music plays, the space transforms into a dynamic dance floor. This is not just any dance party, it’s a Zumba class! An exercise increasingly gaining popularity across Bangladesh.

15h ago

Free classes, no flexibility required! A banker’s unlikely yoga mission

As the soft rays of the sun peek through the trees at Dhanmondi Lake, a group of women spread their yoga mats. Md Rokanuzzaman Tutul, their instructor, fusses over the arrangement of mats, ensuring ample space is available for effective movement. This is the usual scenario you may encounter if you happen to visit Dhanmondi Lake on a fine morning.

1w ago

Feeling flu-ish? These foods will have you back on your feet in no time

A weakened immune system makes you more susceptible to colds and the flu, but with the right habits and dietary choices, you can bolster your defence. Adequate rest, reduced stress, and healthy meals play a crucial role in recovery.

2w ago

Dhaka Flow’s grand opening: Finally, a place to heal your mind, body, and spirit

Dhaka Flow inaugurated its Health & Healing Studio on 7 September, 2024, in Banani, through a lively event, introducing a new hub for wellness that aims to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of its visitors.

2w ago

Eat, sleep, move, repeat: The lazy person’s guide to cardiac health

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the idea of changing your lifestyle drastically for the sake of your cardiac health. However, the path to improved cardiac wellbeing is often made up of tiny, consistent steps.

1m ago

Reiki: The ancient art of waving away your worries

The roots of Reiki trace back to Japan, but its branches have spread worldwide, touching the lives of many seeking holistic wellness.

1m ago

Youth wellbeing: More than just a trendy hashtag

Physical wellbeing and mental wellbeing are inextricably linked. To empower our youth with the knowledge and skills needed to be healthy in mind, body and spirit, a systems approach must be adopted.

1m ago

Monkeypox outbreak: Just when you thought it was safe to go outside

Here’s all you need to know about Monkeypox, from its effects to ways in which you and your family can stay safe and happy.

1m ago

5 Ayurvedic secrets for hair health

Just until a few decades ago, South Asians were blessed with the most beautiful and thick hair that was as long as it was lustrous. The recent rise in pollution, lifestyle challenges, seasonal fluctuations caused by climatic imbalance, and increased stress have wreaked havoc with hair health. Fortunately, Ayurveda has lots of secrets and the power to restore our crown back to its timeless glory lie in the shelves and containers of our very own kitchens.

1y ago

What to eat during winter: Your essential diet for the season

We observe a drastic change in our food preferences, metabolism, and even energy levels during winter. With falling temperatures, our cravings for food also increase. However, no season justifies unhealthy eating habits, and we must maintain a balance in what we consume. Irrespective of the season, we should make a proper meal plan to fulfill our nutritional needs.

1y ago

Winter care for your lips and feet

With the change in weather, comes a change in how we care for our skin. Because winter air is dryer, there is less moisture in the air, which can lead to chapped lips, dry feet, and itchy hands. The cold air may be hard on our skin. Therefore, people need to be cautious about the items they choose to use during this time of the year.

1y ago

Why should you moisturise your hands and feet?

During winter, dry skin is quite common. Oftentimes, we take extra care to moisturise our face to prevent flaky skin, acne, and breakouts. Most of us would not even think of washing our face without using moisturiser afterward, and moisturiser has become a mandatory part of our skincare routine. So why should we not do the same for our hands and feet?

1y ago

The art of sleep: A sleep whisperer’s guide

Nuthan Manohar is a sleep whisperer, perfumer and a wellbeing consultant who used to pride herself on being able to sleep through anything. However, as life took over, sleep began to elude her. She woke up groggy the next day, was not operating on optimum productivity and knew she needed to do something about this. Here are 4 habits Nuthan adopted to fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed.

1y ago

Common causes of headache and their remedies

Thankfully, there are at least 5 ways in which one can spot the more uncommon triggers and ease the irritating and painful ailment.

1y ago

Bid farewell to flu this winter

Do you spend the majority of the winter season dreading the sicknesses that the cold weather inevitably brings? Do chilly mornings and gloomy evenings threaten your healthy way of life? We are all aware that the colder months cause both a dramatic decrease in our motivation to get out of bed in the mornings and a significant rise in the frequency of flu viruses in people. But you do not necessarily need to spend half of the season visiting doctors.

1y ago

Winter skincare: Seal in the moisture

To live a healthy life, they say you need to be able to pamper your mind and body regularly. While the former is a bit more complex, the body aspect, not so much! Skin experts have created millions of products to help relax the body, especially rich, creamy moisturisers and body lotions.

1y ago

Glycerine and its benefits

Glycerine and rose water are always at the top of the list of skincare components for perfect skin. Still not convinced? Ask your mum or grandma; they will agree. Women have been employing these nutrients for generations to achieve youthful, moisturised, and radiant skin, owing to their numerous cosmetic benefits.

1y ago

Top 5 Winter Skin Care Tips

Winter is quite possibly the harshest season when it comes to our skin. Because of the lower humidity and colder temperature, our body loses out on a lot of moisture, causing loads of damage to the skin. To prevent that outcome, here are the top 5 things you can do to take care of your skin this winter.

1y ago