Control your anger this Ramadan

Ramadan is a beautiful time for spiritual awakening, increased devotion, and self-control. However, many of us might find it difficult to manage our anger during the holy month as hunger, thirst and sudden change in our daily routines can be a trigger. Anger is a natural emotion so let's not demonise it. Rather it is important to find healthy ways to come up with a solution. Here are a few ways to manage your anger during Ramadan.
Practice empathy and understanding
One of the best ways to deal with anger is to practice empathy and understanding. Try to put yourself in the other person's shoes and see things from their point of view. Ask yourself why they are behaving the way they are and be compassionate with them. Remember that everyone goes through their own struggles. Especially during Ramadan, it is important to be kind and patient.
Breathe and relax
There are several relaxation-based anger management exercises. The important thing is to pick the one that works best for you. Two prominent methods for lowering stress are breathing exercises and gradual muscle relaxation. The best part is that both exercises can be done quickly and quietly. Thus, whether you're stressed at work or outraged at a dinner dawat, you may release tension very easily. Remember that relaxation techniques require experience. At first, you may not believe they are effective, or you may doubt that they will work for you. These may, however, become your go-to tactics for anger control with practice.
Avoid triggering situations
Another way to manage anger during Ramadan is to avoid triggering situations as much as possible. This might mean avoiding conflicts, negative people, or stressful situations that can push your buttons. It's also important to avoid situations that can lead to feelings of hunger, thirst, or fatigue, as these can make you more irritable and prone to anger. If you find yourself in a situation that's triggering your anger, try to remove yourself from it as calmly and respectfully as possible.
Express anger in healthy ways
Despite our best efforts, anger can still well up. In these cases, it's important to express your anger in healthy ways rather than suppressing it or hiding it. Try expressing your anger by exercising, writing, or talking to a trusted friend or family member. It's also important to express your anger in a respectful way without blaming or attacking the other person. Use "I" statements to express your feelings and try to listen to other people's perspectives as well.
Focus on gratitude and positive thinking
Finally, focusing on gratitude and positive thinking can help you manage anger during Ramadan. Take a moment each day to reflect on what you're grateful for and to focus on positive thoughts and feelings. You can also try affirmations, visualization, or other techniques that promote positive thinking. By focusing on the good things in your life, you can shift your mindset away from anger and towards a more peaceful and positive outlook.
Managing anger during Ramadan is essential for maintaining inner peace and spiritual growth.
Take deep breaths, practice empathy, avoid provocative situations, and express anger in a healthy way, and focus on gratitude and positive thinking. Remember that anger is a natural emotion, but it's important to manage it in a healthy way to avoid negative consequences.