

First ever consignment of eggs imported via Benapole at Tk 7 per piece

A shipment of 2,31,000 chicken eggs was imported from India through the Benapole land port this morning, marking the first time eggs have been imported through this route.

1w ago

Nihari ramen – Another pineapple-on-pizza heresy?

Nihari ramen, a Pakistani-Japanese fusion, is trending on social media. Some argue it ruins cultural authenticity, while others love the spicy-salty blend. Is it a culinary crime or a must-try dish? What’s your take on this food fusion?

2w ago

Salads under Tk 150: Budget-friendly options that pack a flavour punch

Looking for delicious salads that will not break the bank? You’re in luck! These budget-friendly recipes, each under Tk 150, are packed with flavour and freshness.

3w ago

Cultural heritage in a bowl: The taste of Bogura’r doi

Bogura, once a quaint town, is now a bustling metropolis, but its legendary curd, Bogura’r doi, remains a symbol of tradition. This gourmet delight blends age-old recipes with the finest local ingredients. Artisans meticulously craft it, starting with fresh cow’s milk, boiled and reduced, then fermented in clay pots.

1m ago

Architect by day, baker by passion: Arifa Malik Bristy on crafting delightful cookies

The worlds of architecture and baking are certainly quite different. Yet, both require precision and planning, which architect Arifa Malik Bristy – the CEO of architectural firm, Irenderer – has mastered.

2m ago

Why judging our taste for red meat is a recipe for disaster

With the rise of trendy diets, technicalities, and jargon from the "plant-based" movement, it's enough to send an average foodie into a spiral of culinary confusion. This is why most veteran meat lovers, who relish their biriyani and beef bhuna, remain unfazed by such diet wars.

2m ago

Shutki’s trip to Detroit: How shutki pizza is winning American hearts

The story of shutki pizza is one of cultural exchange and culinary innovation, showcasing how traditional flavours can find new expressions and appreciation in diverse contexts.

2m ago

A couple’s journey from office desks to street food cart

The couple – Emu Akter and Fasiur Rahman, married for six years – started this business not out of necessity but out of passion for the food they cook.

4m ago

The bright side of dark chocolate

Dating back to around 2000 BC, the chocolate we know and see today used to be consumed as a fermented drink with spices and wine. The chocolate we see neatly stacked in stores is the end result of numerous steps on the cacao pod.

6y ago

Guilt free decadence

Squeeze lemon juice over the bananas to keep them from browning. Coat bananas with the yoghurt; add cumin powder. Now mix and sprinkle the lightly toasted shredded coconut on top. Garnish with mint leaves and serve.

6y ago

The Salt Story

Salt was once one of the most prized of all seasonings, as revealed in the expression “below the salt”- nobles, who sat at the head of the table (above the salt), were allowed to use salt, while lesser folk, sitting below the salt, had to rely on herbs to flavour their food.

6y ago

Tandoors from all over the world

Although most of the world knows the word 'Tandoor' by now, let me give a brief description of it, even if just to make this read a little more technically sound. A tandoor is a cylindrical clay oven used in cooking and baking. The tandoor is currently a very important fixture in many Indian restaurants around the world.

6y ago

Classics with a modern twist!

A contemporary fashion line that incorporates traditional wear with a classical touch, Manas showcases the Bengal heritage and traditions in bold and light colours for those who appreciate timeless classics.

6y ago

Middle Eastern Drinks

Wash the dates and remove their seeds. Take a blender, add the seedless dates, pistachio, sugar and a glass of milk. Blend well for few minutes. Add the rest of the milk, ice cubes and blend all the ingredients together for 3-4 minutes. Strain the milkshake and pour the shake into the glass. Serve chilled!

6y ago

Country fruits

In the current context, where food adulteration is a common phenomenon, perhaps consuming seasonal fruits, in their right season, is as safe as we can be from toxic chemical preservatives. They are also cheaper and as the years go round, makes sure that the taste buds don't get bored.

6y ago

Salad leaves

The best thing about salad leaves or lettuce, is that they are a universal favourite from children to the elderly of the family. And for some children, it is the only way to make them eat greens sans the coercion. Not only is this a super crunchy and juicy meal, but it is also packed with minerals and nutrients that our bodies need.

6y ago

Go Organic

Organic food refers to food products that are produced, prepared, and processed without the use of any chemicals. It prohibits the use of chemical pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or chemical preservatives. Organic livestock raised for meat, eggs, and dairy products must have access to the outdoors and be given organic feed. They may not be given antibiotics, growth hormones, or any animal by-products.

6y ago

Got (plant) Milk?

You need to unleash the mad scientist in you, and look at an ingredient in terms of how it “behaves” when tampered with, and not what it's called or what you are used to seeing it as. You want to mimic the smell, taste, and texture of your favourite dish, and when you find the winning combination of your plant-based ingredients to do just that, the end result is often better than the original! Let me clarify further.

6y ago