Special Feature

Special Feature

special feature / The eternal juggle of work and family during pandemic

“For a working mother to be able to successfully blend and balance work and family lives, the key ingredients are planning, planning, and planning.

4y ago

Faithful to the Oath

While so many of us are at home to ‘flatten the curve,’ or in other words, to reduce the spread of COVID-19, our healthcare professionals are fighting long, gruelling hours on the front lines.

4y ago

special feature / Your little sous chef

Cooking is a life skill everyone must learn. The only question is: at what point in life should that learning start? And the answer is: early! Why not introduce your children to the kitchen from right now?

4y ago

Luxury in a tub: The ultimate summer indulgence!

Sure, the world is a mess right now. Making sense of the strange, sad circumstances we currently live in is overwhelming. Add to that the stress of your work and household chores, and the hot and humid weather only adds fuel to fire.

4y ago

Special Feature / An Extra Special Mother’s Day

Mothers are the epitome of love. So, celebrating ‘them’ for a just a day seemed illogical, but then a friend explained: there is nothing wrong in making her feel extra special!

4y ago

The spirit of Fajr

“Prayer is better than sleep” — I listened to these melodious words of the muezzin booming out of the loudspeaker of a mosque, as I wearily made my way out of Nazira Bazaar. The culinary hub, even at that odd hour of the clock, swarmed with crowds last year; it is, after all, renowned for its sehri hangouts.

4y ago

Divinely white: The age- old craft of shola

Lord Shiva eventually came to the rescue. He threw a lock of his own hair into a pond, and from there sprung a plant — shola (generic name, Indian cork).

4y ago

Special feature / Lunch time mania

Clink and clatter, corporate conversations, and meaningful meetings – this is the scenario you can expect to see if you ever walk into a restaurant during lunch time, specifically in a commercial area.

4y ago

25 Years of Evolution

It is not a very short span of time. 25 years comprises roughly one-third of a person's life. The world 25 years ago was a lot different from what it is today, given the massive leaps we have taken in this space of two and a half decades.

8y ago


A pastime as simple as making sculptures through folding paper has infinite potential to stir our creative zeal. A sheet of paper, a pair of dexterous hands and a grasp of basic geometry are all that you need to embark on this journey.

8y ago

Tea, two sugars

‘Cha-biskoot' is a phrase that every Bangladeshi around the world recognises. It's often not even pronounced as two separate words and there isn't even anything grammatically correct about it, yet it is one of the few constants we have in our everyday life.

8y ago

Fashion for children

Tis the party season again! Weddings, rooftop BBQ parties, picnics, and what not. While you pick outfits for yourself for these social...

8y ago

Timeless pashmina

Ever imagined a fabric so fine that wrapping it around you feels warm and soft, weightless and comforting, all at the same time?

8y ago

Foods to avoid after you are thirty

You may think that being a grown-up is having the freedom to do and eat whatever you want.

8y ago

Foods to avoid after you are thirty

You may think that being a grown-up is having the freedom to do and eat whatever you want.

8y ago

Let your blouse Do the talking!

A lot of times they tend to go overboard with the tulle and the bling which, again, is not the best move! In a sea of uniformity to stand

8y ago

Weaving the thread of winds

Curious and magnificently sweet names - like 'ab-i-rawan' (running water) and 'shabnam' (morning dew) - denoted the different varieties of a special cloth. Surely, this cannot fail to spark the interest of anyone. Why in the world would pieces of cloth have such fancy names?

8y ago

The Muslin Story

Derived from the name of the Indian port town Machilipatnam which was more commonly known as Maisolos in the ancient times,

8y ago