Special Feature

Special Feature

special feature / The eternal juggle of work and family during pandemic

“For a working mother to be able to successfully blend and balance work and family lives, the key ingredients are planning, planning, and planning.

4y ago

Faithful to the Oath

While so many of us are at home to ‘flatten the curve,’ or in other words, to reduce the spread of COVID-19, our healthcare professionals are fighting long, gruelling hours on the front lines.

4y ago

special feature / Your little sous chef

Cooking is a life skill everyone must learn. The only question is: at what point in life should that learning start? And the answer is: early! Why not introduce your children to the kitchen from right now?

4y ago

Luxury in a tub: The ultimate summer indulgence!

Sure, the world is a mess right now. Making sense of the strange, sad circumstances we currently live in is overwhelming. Add to that the stress of your work and household chores, and the hot and humid weather only adds fuel to fire.

4y ago

Special Feature / An Extra Special Mother’s Day

Mothers are the epitome of love. So, celebrating ‘them’ for a just a day seemed illogical, but then a friend explained: there is nothing wrong in making her feel extra special!

4y ago

The spirit of Fajr

“Prayer is better than sleep” — I listened to these melodious words of the muezzin booming out of the loudspeaker of a mosque, as I wearily made my way out of Nazira Bazaar. The culinary hub, even at that odd hour of the clock, swarmed with crowds last year; it is, after all, renowned for its sehri hangouts.

4y ago

Divinely white: The age- old craft of shola

Lord Shiva eventually came to the rescue. He threw a lock of his own hair into a pond, and from there sprung a plant — shola (generic name, Indian cork).

4y ago

Special feature / Lunch time mania

Clink and clatter, corporate conversations, and meaningful meetings – this is the scenario you can expect to see if you ever walk into a restaurant during lunch time, specifically in a commercial area.

4y ago

Bounty and beyond

Can our world stay this way forever? Trying to answer this reminds us of the world population. To feed all the human beings of the planet, science had to interfere: the world is bountiful, but even its bounty needed to be stretched and boosted in order to keep up with the growing population.

9y ago

Is your vet a safe bet?

NOWADAYS more and more city dwellers are opening their homes to animals of all kinds. Sadly despite that, our veterinary sector is quite poor and it seems as though it will remain like that for years to come. Even the most well known vets have their share of horror stories.

9y ago

Farmer at heart

How many times have you bought the nicest looking fruit and taken it home expecting a pat on the back only to be disappointed?

9y ago


Accounts of Chinese Buddhist pilgrims and many literary and epigraphic records regarding Bengal between the 5th and 7th centuries paint an incredible picture in the mind.

9y ago

Let the festivities begin

As we close in on the final issue of March, Star Lifestyle is delighted to initiate its Pohela Boishakh extravaganza for 2015.

9y ago

Draped in Legacy

And interestingly, it had been like that, in some way, in our history too. Bengal had held superiority in textile goods since olden times. The legacy of our textile industry is something to be proud of.

9y ago


Chompa, a domestic worker is 18 years old. She dropped out of school in class six to provide for her family of seven. Her knowledge of the war is limited but she is adamant about the guilt of the war criminals.

9y ago

Into the bloom

Seasonal fashion isn't always about wearing wool in winter and linens in summer. With the change in seasons, we see the dominance of some colours and prints over others. And what could be more synonymous with spring than floral prints?

9y ago


You will find several kinds of roses in local nurseries. Rose plants can be bought in bare root form, which are often planted in small poly bags filled with fertile soil. These can be directly planted in the ground or in a pot.

9y ago

The mobile banking revolution

The best ideas, one may argue, are the ones that are most simple.

9y ago