
Divorce rate highest in Rajshahi division, least in Barishal

Divorce rate in Bangladesh
Visual: Star

Rajshahi division is at the top in the country in terms of divorce, according to the preliminary report of "Population and Housing Census 2022".

The rate of divorce in the division is 61 percent, shows the report released today (July 27, 2022).

The divorce rate is 42 percent in the entire country in terms of its total population. On the other hand, married people comprise of 65.26 percent of the population.

Percentage of unmarried people is 28.65, widowed 5.31 percent, and 37 percent people are separated in the country.

Division-wise, divorce rate is 29 percent in Barishal, 30 percent in Chattogram, 40 percent in Dhaka, 55 percent in Khulna, 40 percent in Mymensingh, 38 percent in Rangpur and 43 percent in Sylhet.

Unmarried people are 27.20 percent in Barishal, 32.57 percent in Chattogarm, 28.93 percent in Dhaka, 24.52 percent in Khulna, 27.75 percent in Mymensingh, 24.38 percent in Rajshahi and 25.78 percent in Rangpur.



Divorce rate highest in Rajshahi division, least in Barishal

Divorce rate in Bangladesh
Visual: Star

Rajshahi division is at the top in the country in terms of divorce, according to the preliminary report of "Population and Housing Census 2022".

The rate of divorce in the division is 61 percent, shows the report released today (July 27, 2022).

The divorce rate is 42 percent in the entire country in terms of its total population. On the other hand, married people comprise of 65.26 percent of the population.

Percentage of unmarried people is 28.65, widowed 5.31 percent, and 37 percent people are separated in the country.

Division-wise, divorce rate is 29 percent in Barishal, 30 percent in Chattogram, 40 percent in Dhaka, 55 percent in Khulna, 40 percent in Mymensingh, 38 percent in Rangpur and 43 percent in Sylhet.

Unmarried people are 27.20 percent in Barishal, 32.57 percent in Chattogarm, 28.93 percent in Dhaka, 24.52 percent in Khulna, 27.75 percent in Mymensingh, 24.38 percent in Rajshahi and 25.78 percent in Rangpur.



বিজিবির জন্য কেনা হচ্ছে টিয়ারশেল, সাউন্ড গ্রেনেড

উপদেষ্টা বলেন, ‘প্রাণঘাতী অস্ত্র বিজিবির কাছে আছে। কিন্তু যেগুলো নেই যেমন– টিয়ারশেল, সাউন্ড গ্রেনেড এগুলো কেনার জন্য আমরা অনুমতি দিয়েছি।'

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