8th Communication summit on Sep 8

The eighth edition of Communication Summit presented by Meghna Group of Industries will be held on September 8 in Dhaka.
Communication summit is a flagship initiative of Bangladesh Brand Forum that brings together creative professionals from diverse sectors and this year’s summit will be centered on the theme ‘Creativity Matters’, according to a press release issued in this regard.
It’s a platform where renowned global and local experts share knowledge with attendees including marketing and creative professionals from various companies, agencies, associations, NGOs and institutions.
This year the summit will be comprised of four keynote sessions, two panel discussions, four case study presentations, and four breakout sessions, the press release reads.
Three of the keynote speakers are Tay Guan Hin, Founder and Chief Creative Officer, TGH Collective, Creative Director – Global Executive, South East Asia, J Walter Thompson; Jayen Mehta, Managing Director (in-charge), Amul Dairy, Anand; Ali Shabaz, Chief Creative Officer, Grey MENA (Middle East & North Africa); and Samuel Diaz Fernandez, Founder and Program Director, School of Slow Media.
Communication Summit will be followed by Commward: Excellence in Creative Communication. Commward is the only accolade for the advertising industry of the country, which honors the best creative works in three ranks. Commward in organized in association with Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity and powered by The Daily Star.
To register for Communication Summit, visit www.bbf.digital/communicationsummit2018.