
User complaints: BTRC to host public hearing on March 30


Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has decided to hold a public hearing on March 30 to know about the users' experiences and quality of telecom services, declared its official website today.

The commission has recently decided to host this event to learn directly from the users about their experience over the quality of service and to know their perception of BTRC, said Md Zakir Hossain Khan, senior assistant director of the regulatory body.

To attend the hearing, interested customers will have to register online (, which will start from tonight and open up to March 17, he added.

BTRC has decided to host around a hundred customers through a registration process. The event will take place at the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh auditorium at Ramna in Dhaka.

The telecom watchdog also earlier has sought questions and recommendations from users.

BTRC officials said the public hearing will help to improve quality of operators' services on the basis of customers' feedback.

With customers, senior executives from mobile operators and some other operators' representatives also to be present there along with telecom minister Mustafa Jabbar.

This will be the third public hearing on telecom service organised by BTRC. They have hosted two previous hearings in June last year and on November 2016.

Last year, 202 customers registered online and 165 got invitations from BTRC.

In the first attempt 1,050 customers registered and BTRC invited 420 people.

In 2019 BTRC also received 1,319 questions and comments online from customers and recently they have addressed 25 of those on their website.


User complaints: BTRC to host public hearing on March 30


Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has decided to hold a public hearing on March 30 to know about the users' experiences and quality of telecom services, declared its official website today.

The commission has recently decided to host this event to learn directly from the users about their experience over the quality of service and to know their perception of BTRC, said Md Zakir Hossain Khan, senior assistant director of the regulatory body.

To attend the hearing, interested customers will have to register online (, which will start from tonight and open up to March 17, he added.

BTRC has decided to host around a hundred customers through a registration process. The event will take place at the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh auditorium at Ramna in Dhaka.

The telecom watchdog also earlier has sought questions and recommendations from users.

BTRC officials said the public hearing will help to improve quality of operators' services on the basis of customers' feedback.

With customers, senior executives from mobile operators and some other operators' representatives also to be present there along with telecom minister Mustafa Jabbar.

This will be the third public hearing on telecom service organised by BTRC. They have hosted two previous hearings in June last year and on November 2016.

Last year, 202 customers registered online and 165 got invitations from BTRC.

In the first attempt 1,050 customers registered and BTRC invited 420 people.

In 2019 BTRC also received 1,319 questions and comments online from customers and recently they have addressed 25 of those on their website.


আপেল, আঙুর ও তরমুজের মতো কিছু টাটকা ফল ও জুসের ওপর শুল্ক ২০ শতাংশ থেকে বাড়িয়ে ৩০ শতাংশ করা হয়েছে। ছবি: আনিসুর রহমান/স্টার

শুল্ক বৃদ্ধিতে বেড়েছে আমদানিকৃত ফলের দাম

আপেল, আঙুর ও তরমুজের মতো কিছু টাটকা ফল ও জুসের ওপর শুল্ক ২০ শতাংশ থেকে বাড়িয়ে ৩০ শতাংশ করা হয়েছে।

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