Speech-impaired child raped in Kamrangirchar

A speech-impaired seven-year-old was raped in the city's Kamrangirchar area last night.
The victim was sent to one-stop crisis centre at Dhaka Medical College Hospital early today for treatment and forensic test.
Victim's aunt told reporters at DMCH that the child was in the house when her mother was working near home on Friday evening.
At one stage, the girl, who also has an intellectual disability, went outside without informing her mother. The father was not home at the time.
They family members looked for her nearby but did not find her. Around 1:30am today, they found the girl by a road; she was bleeding profusely, the aunt said.
Family members and police suspect that an unknown person raped her in the night and abandoned her there.
Mostafa Anwar, inspector (investigation) of Kamrangirchar Police Station, said, "The child was bleeding and we came to know that she had a surgery at hospital."
"Filing of a case is underway. We are trying to arrest the culprit(s)," he said.