Cox’s Bazar attacks reflect a sickness far from being cured

By giving their opinions a religious tag, groups or individuals have managed to get away with vicious assaults on women

1w ago

One month after the new beginning

From that pivotal moment on August 5, the subsequent events in the next 30 days have been just as dramatic

3w ago

Saluting the spirit of our young people

There is no shame in admitting that in the last few days many of us have cried helplessly, over the senseless deaths of students—teenagers or in their early twenties—the same age or close to the ages of our children.

2m ago

Is it possible to escape from the seduction of smartphones?

The bug of relentless connectivity to some world or the other has infected us, and there seems to be no cure.

3m ago

World leaders are disconnected from the youth

Student protestors are calling out the double standards of Western powers

4m ago

Kindness gives life its biggest dividends

The history of civilisation has shown that humans survive when they are part of a community.

6m ago

The poor’s debt burden gets heavier

The vicious cycle of taking loans to pay bills and then taking another loan to pay off the first loan may continue throughout their lives, with little or no real improvement in their living standards.

6m ago

Opinion / A glimpse into the crazy, irrational mind of a woman

Women are crazy because they set the bar ridiculously high for themselves, with no thought of self-preservation.

6m ago

The Mother of Trees

It is perhaps the greatest environmental love story of all. Saalumarada Thimmakka, a day labourer and Bekal Chikkayya, a cattle herder, both from Hulikal village in Bangalore district, defying all the taunts from society for being childless, decided to plant trees and treat them like their children.

7y ago

An old disease we nurture so well

It may be prohibited by law (Dowry prohibition Act, 1980) but demanding dowry for deigning to marry a girl from a less fortunate family is considered a normal entitlement of males in society.

7y ago

Modern Pains

While cracking my spine as casually as a game of 'bursting the bubble wrap', my physiotherapist tells me that the future looks really bright for members of his profession. Intrigued, I ask why.

7y ago

Why we couldn't protect Khadija

Remember Suraiya Akter Risha? The eighth grader of an English medium school in Dhaka, who was stabbed by her stalker, a man who

7y ago

Sandwiched between militancy and consumerism

Despite all the ramifications of progressiveness that civilisation has experimented with, the preoccupation with the female members of the population has never been on the wane.

8y ago

Are friends really that important?

In a larger context, friendships actually allow societies to function and this includes countries that may turn them into formal unions or agreements. Hence the disastrous effects when friendships sour – you get Brexit, you get hostile neighbours, ruthless aggressors and worst of all, you get wars.

8y ago

A jarring anomaly of society

It is easy to miss stories about child domestic workers being tortured and killed. Easy because stories of children being killed have become eerily regular.

8y ago

Remembering Rubel

The name suddenly made me stop reading the lead story of DS's May 18 issue. Shamim Reza Rubel. He was an IUB student

8y ago

The way to show respect

When all the paraphernalia linked with power and status fail to get lowly commoners to show respect – say they forget to salam or shower you with petals when you enter the vicinity of the primary school you are to visit – there is only one thing to do.

8y ago

Going on the wrong side is just plain wrong!

Finally, someone is doing something about the preposterous level of highhandedness displayed by people who are either truly very important or think they are very important.

8y ago